resources/qa/report (post)

resources/qa/report (post)

Get Qa report details.


(POST) /resources/qa/report


The parameters are a JSON object included in the request body:


localeSourceThe locale source.string
localeTargetThe locale target.string
documentsList of Document filter (Object) 



A Aysnchrone (Object) with successful resP.e :

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								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
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								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Whate\", \"fsd\", \"dqsdsqfsd\", \"fds\", \"dqs\", and 16 more.?"
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								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Whate\", \"fsd\", \"dqsdsqfsd\", \"fds\", \"dqs\", and 16 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "1",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 823857,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 4 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Whate\", \"fsd\", \"dqsdsqfsd\", \"fds\", \"dqs\", and 16 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "1",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 823857,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 4 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Whate\", \"fsd\", \"dqsdsqfsd\", \"fds\", \"dqs\", and 16 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "1",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 823857,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 4 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Whate\", \"fsd\", \"dqsdsqfsd\", \"fds\", \"dqs\", and 16 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Whate\", \"fsd\", \"dqsdsqfsd\", \"fds\", \"dqs\", and 16 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "1-3",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 833217,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"sdf\", \"dqsd\", \"qsd\", \"toto\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 2,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "1-3",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 833217,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"sdf\", \"dqsd\", \"qsd\", \"toto\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 11,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
			}, {
				"id": "1-3",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 833217,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"sdf\", \"dqsd\", \"qsd\", \"toto\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 1,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
			}, {
				"id": "1-3",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 833217,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"sdf\", \"dqsd\", \"qsd\", \"toto\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "1-3",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 833217,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"sdf\", \"dqsd\", \"qsd\", \"toto\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "1-3",
				"bsid": 1,
				"sid": 833217,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"sdf\", \"dqsd\", \"qsd\", \"toto\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"sdf\", \"dqsd\", \"qsd\", \"toto\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823858,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", \"the\", \"printing\", and 1 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 2,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823858,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", \"the\", \"printing\", and 1 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823858,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", \"the\", \"printing\", and 1 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823858,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", \"the\", \"printing\", and 1 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823858,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 2,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The ending punctuation does not match that of the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", \"the\", \"printing\", and 1 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", \"the\", \"printing\", and 1 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823991,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Invalid number, '1500' appears 0 times in source but 1 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", and 14 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 20,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Invalid number, '1500' appears 0 times in source but 1 times in translation?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823991,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Invalid number, '1500' appears 0 times in source but 1 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", and 14 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823991,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Invalid number, '1500' appears 0 times in source but 1 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", and 14 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-2",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823991,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Invalid number, '1500' appears 0 times in source but 1 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Trailing spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", and 14 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", and 14 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-3",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823992,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"survived\", \"only\", \"five\", \"centuries\", \"but\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-3",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823992,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"survived\", \"only\", \"five\", \"centuries\", \"but\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"survived\", \"only\", \"five\", \"centuries\", \"but\", and 9 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-4",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823993,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-4",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823993,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "2-4",
				"bsid": 2,
				"sid": 823993,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "3",
				"bsid": 3,
				"sid": 823859,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 19,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Space required after ending punctuation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Why\", \"do\", \"we\", \"use\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 19,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Space required after ending punctuation?"
			}, {
				"id": "3",
				"bsid": 3,
				"sid": 823859,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 19,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Space required after ending punctuation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Why\", \"do\", \"we\", \"use\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "3",
				"bsid": 3,
				"sid": 823859,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 19,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Space required after ending punctuation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Why\", \"do\", \"we\", \"use\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Why\", \"do\", \"we\", \"use\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "3-2",
				"bsid": 3,
				"sid": 833218,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823860,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"long\", \"established\", \"fact\", \"that\", \"reader\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823860,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"long\", \"established\", \"fact\", \"that\", \"reader\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"long\", \"established\", \"fact\", \"that\", \"reader\", and 10 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-2",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823994,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-2",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823994,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-2",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823994,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-3",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823995,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 13-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 1,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-3",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823995,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 13-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-3",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823995,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 13-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-3",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823995,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 13-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-3",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823995,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 1,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There is an invalid sequence of 2 whitespaces.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too many sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 13-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 6,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 13-3.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-4",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823996,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Various\", \"have\", \"evolved\", \"over\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "4-4",
				"bsid": 4,
				"sid": 823996,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Various\", \"have\", \"evolved\", \"over\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Various\", \"have\", \"evolved\", \"over\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "5",
				"bsid": 5,
				"sid": 823861,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"does\", \"come\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "5",
				"bsid": 5,
				"sid": 823861,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"does\", \"come\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"does\", \"come\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "6",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823862,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823862,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "6",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823862,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-2",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823997,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-2",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823997,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-2",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823997,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-3",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823998,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 20,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-3",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823998,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-3",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823998,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-3",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823998,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-3",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823998,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-4",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823999,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"This\", \"book\", \"treatise\", \"on\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-4",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 823999,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"This\", \"book\", \"treatise\", \"on\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"This\", \"book\", \"treatise\", \"on\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-5",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 824000,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 15-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 20,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-5",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 824000,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 15-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 11,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-5",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 824000,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 15-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-5",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 824000,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 15-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "6-5",
				"bsid": 6,
				"sid": 824000,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 11,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?There are some spaces before a punctuation mark.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 15-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 6,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 15-5.?"
			}, {
				"id": "7",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 823863,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "7",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 823863,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "7",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 823863,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "7-2",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 824001,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 20,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
			}, {
				"id": "7-2",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 824001,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "7-2",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 824001,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "7-3",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 824002,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Rackham\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "7-3",
				"bsid": 7,
				"sid": 824002,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Rackham\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Rackham\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "8",
				"bsid": 8,
				"sid": 823864,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"can\", \"some\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "8",
				"bsid": 8,
				"sid": 823864,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"can\", \"some\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"can\", \"some\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "9",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 823865,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"There\", \"are\", \"many\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", and 16 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 823865,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"There\", \"are\", \"many\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", and 16 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "9",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 823865,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"There\", \"are\", \"many\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", and 16 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"There\", \"are\", \"many\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", and 16 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-2",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824003,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"you\", \"are\", \"going\", \"to\", \"use\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-2",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824003,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"you\", \"are\", \"going\", \"to\", \"use\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-2",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824003,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"you\", \"are\", \"going\", \"to\", \"use\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"you\", \"are\", \"going\", \"to\", \"use\", and 10 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-3",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824004,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"the\", \"ipsum\", \"on\", \"tend\", \"to\", and 8 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-3",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824004,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"the\", \"ipsum\", \"on\", \"tend\", \"to\", and 8 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-3",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824004,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"the\", \"ipsum\", \"on\", \"tend\", \"to\", and 8 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"the\", \"ipsum\", \"on\", \"tend\", \"to\", and 8 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-4",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824005,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"uses\", \"dictionary\", \"of\", \"over\", \"words\", and 11 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-4",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824005,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"uses\", \"dictionary\", \"of\", \"over\", \"words\", and 11 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-4",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824005,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"uses\", \"dictionary\", \"of\", \"over\", \"words\", and 11 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"uses\", \"dictionary\", \"of\", \"over\", \"words\", and 11 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-5",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824006,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"generated\", \"ipsum\", \"therefore\", \"always\", \"free\", and 6 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-5",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824006,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"generated\", \"ipsum\", \"therefore\", \"always\", \"free\", and 6 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "9-5",
				"bsid": 9,
				"sid": 824006,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"generated\", \"ipsum\", \"therefore\", \"always\", \"free\", and 6 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"generated\", \"ipsum\", \"therefore\", \"always\", \"free\", and 6 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "10",
				"bsid": 10,
				"sid": 823866,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"What\", \"ipsum\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "10",
				"bsid": 10,
				"sid": 823866,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"What\", \"ipsum\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "10",
				"bsid": 10,
				"sid": 823866,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"What\", \"ipsum\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"What\", \"ipsum\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "11",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 823867,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", and 4 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 823867,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", and 4 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 823867,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", and 4 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "11",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 823867,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", and 4 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Ipsum\", \"ipsum\", \"simply\", \"dummy\", \"of\", and 4 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-2",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824007,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", \"dummy\", and 13 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-2",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824007,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", \"dummy\", and 13 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-2",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824007,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", \"dummy\", and 13 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-2",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824007,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", \"dummy\", and 13 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"been\", \"the\", \"industry\", \"dummy\", and 13 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-3",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824008,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"survived\", \"only\", \"five\", \"centuries\", \"but\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-3",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824008,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"survived\", \"only\", \"five\", \"centuries\", \"but\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"survived\", \"only\", \"five\", \"centuries\", \"but\", and 9 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-4",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824009,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-4",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824009,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "11-4",
				"bsid": 11,
				"sid": 824009,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"was\", \"popularised\", \"the\", \"with\", \"of\", and 12 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "12",
				"bsid": 12,
				"sid": 823868,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Why\", \"do\", \"we\", \"use\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "12",
				"bsid": 12,
				"sid": 823868,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Why\", \"do\", \"we\", \"use\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Why\", \"do\", \"we\", \"use\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "13",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 823869,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"long\", \"established\", \"fact\", \"that\", \"reader\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 823869,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"long\", \"established\", \"fact\", \"that\", \"reader\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"long\", \"established\", \"fact\", \"that\", \"reader\", and 10 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-2",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824010,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-2",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824010,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-2",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824010,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"point\", \"of\", \"using\", \"ipsum\", \"that\", and 10 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-3",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824011,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 4-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-3",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824011,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 4-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-3",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824011,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 4-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-3",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824011,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Many\", \"desktop\", \"publishing\", \"packages\", \"web\", and 12 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 4-3.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 6,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 4-3.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-4",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824012,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Various\", \"have\", \"evolved\", \"over\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "13-4",
				"bsid": 13,
				"sid": 824012,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Various\", \"have\", \"evolved\", \"over\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Various\", \"have\", \"evolved\", \"over\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "14",
				"bsid": 14,
				"sid": 823870,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"does\", \"come\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "14",
				"bsid": 14,
				"sid": 823870,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"does\", \"come\"?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Where\", \"does\", \"come\"?"
			}, {
				"id": "15",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 823871,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 823871,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "15",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 823871,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Contrary\", \"to\", \"popular\", \"belief\", \"ipsum\", and 2 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-2",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824013,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-2",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824013,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-2",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824013,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"roots\", \"piece\", \"of\", \"classical\", \"literature\", and 25 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-3",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824014,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 20,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-3",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824014,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 5,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-3",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824014,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-3",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824014,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-3",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824014,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 5,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Leading spaces differ between source and translation.?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"ipsum\", \"comes\", \"sections\", \"of\", \"Finibus\", and 9 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-4",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824015,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"This\", \"book\", \"treatise\", \"on\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-4",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824015,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"This\", \"book\", \"treatise\", \"on\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"This\", \"book\", \"treatise\", \"on\", \"the\", and 7 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-5",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824016,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 6-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 20,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-5",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824016,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 6-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-5",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824016,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 6-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-5",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824016,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 6-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "15-5",
				"bsid": 15,
				"sid": 824016,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"first\", \"line\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"dolor\", and 4 more.?"
					}, {
						"r": 6,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 6-5.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 6,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?This source text was translated differently in other places, such as in segment(s) 6-5.?"
			}, {
				"id": "16",
				"bsid": 16,
				"sid": 823872,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 4,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "16",
				"bsid": 16,
				"sid": 823872,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 15,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
			}, {
				"id": "16",
				"bsid": 16,
				"sid": 823872,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 4,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Too few sequences of two or more spaces compared to original text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 15,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Potentially erroneous word repetition detected?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"chunk\", \"of\", \"ipsum\", \"used\", \"since\", and 5 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "16-2",
				"bsid": 16,
				"sid": 824017,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 20,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
						}, {
							"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
			}, {
				"id": "16-2",
				"bsid": 16,
				"sid": 824017,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 7,
					"s": 1,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
			}, {
				"id": "16-2",
				"bsid": 16,
				"sid": 824017,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 20,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.32'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Wrongly formatted date or number: '1.10.33'?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.32' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
							}, {
								"t": "?Missing date, '1.10.33' appears 1 times in source but 0 times in translation?"
					}, {
						"r": 7,
						"s": 1,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is identical to the source text.?"
					}, {
						"r": 10,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 10,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?Misspelled word(s): \"Sections\", \"Finibus\", \"Bonorum\", \"et\", \"Malorum\", and 9 more.?"
			}, {
				"id": "16-3",
				"bsid": 16,
				"sid": 824018,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "17",
				"bsid": 17,
				"sid": 823873,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "18",
				"bsid": 18,
				"sid": 823874,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "18-2",
				"bsid": 18,
				"sid": 824019,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "18-3",
				"bsid": 18,
				"sid": 824020,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "18-4",
				"bsid": 18,
				"sid": 824021,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "18-5",
				"bsid": 18,
				"sid": 824022,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "19",
				"bsid": 19,
				"sid": 823875,
				"docid": 1909,
				"src": "de",
				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "20",
				"bsid": 20,
				"sid": 823876,
				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "20-2",
				"bsid": 20,
				"sid": 824023,
				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
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						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "20-3",
				"bsid": 20,
				"sid": 824024,
				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
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						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "20-4",
				"bsid": 20,
				"sid": 824025,
				"docid": 1909,
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						"r": 0,
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						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "21",
				"bsid": 21,
				"sid": 823877,
				"docid": 1909,
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						"r": 0,
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						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "22",
				"bsid": 22,
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				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
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						"r": 0,
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						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "22-2",
				"bsid": 22,
				"sid": 824026,
				"docid": 1909,
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						"r": 0,
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
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					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "22-3",
				"bsid": 22,
				"sid": 824027,
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						"r": 0,
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						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
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					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "22-4",
				"bsid": 22,
				"sid": 824028,
				"docid": 1909,
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						"r": 0,
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "23",
				"bsid": 23,
				"sid": 823879,
				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
						"r": 0,
						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "24",
				"bsid": 24,
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				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
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						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "24-2",
				"bsid": 24,
				"sid": 824029,
				"docid": 1909,
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "24-3",
				"bsid": 24,
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						"r": 0,
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						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "24-4",
				"bsid": 24,
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "24-5",
				"bsid": 24,
				"sid": 824032,
				"docid": 1909,
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						"r": 0,
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
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					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "25",
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
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					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "25-2",
				"bsid": 25,
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
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					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "25-3",
				"bsid": 25,
				"sid": 824034,
				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
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					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "26",
				"bsid": 26,
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								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "27",
				"bsid": 27,
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				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
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						"s": 2,
						"d": [{
								"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
				"p": {
					"r": 0,
					"s": 2,
					"d": [{
							"t": "?The translation is missing.?"
			}, {
				"id": "27-2",
				"bsid": 27,
				"sid": 824035,
				"docid": 1909,
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				"trg": "sv",
				"rules": [{
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