Wordbee Translate Contextual Command

Wordbee Translate Contextual Command

Wordbee Translation Manager (short read: ‘WTM’) GUI extension consists of the contextual menu command Wordbee Translate for Component, Page, Category, Keyword, Folder, Virtual Folder, and Structure Group. When you right-click on the item, the command appears under ‘Blueprinting’ menu. Here is the screenshot for the same:

On click of Wordbee Translate command, the translation job editor launches, which provides the option for adding metadata for the translation job. The Wordbee Translate command doesn’t open Job editor for target publication. The translation isn’t allowed from the target publication.

Here is the snippet of the Wordbee Translation Job editor.


The Wordbee Translation Job editor contains two tabs: - General and Added Items


·         General tab has two subsections:

  1. Translation Job Details – It gives the option to add the following metadata, which will be sent to Wordbee TMS as side instruction:

·         Name

·         Source Publication: From which item is being chosen for translation.

·         Beebox Workflow: Allows Beebox workflow to be chosen.

·         Username

·         Copywriter

·         URL

·         CallNumber

·         Local/Global: Choose whether the content item is global or local.

·         ProjectName

·         Comment: Add comment up to 500 characters

·         Priority: Choose priority out of –High, Normal and Low

·         Required Date

·         Include Already Translated Items: Share instruction that the job contains already translated items.

Refer the screenshot below for the General tab -> Translation Job Detail section:

Translation Targets –

It gives the option to choose one or many target publications for translations. This list is retrieved dynamically as per the settings done in the Wordbee Translations properties tab of Publications. All the publications which are designated as a target for translation appears in this section.


Refer the screenshot below for the General tab -> Translation Target Languages section:


·         Added Items tab showcase the chosen item, which is part of the translation job:

As showcased in the screenshot, CTA buttons have been given to remove or open the added items.


In addition, the editor contains a header ribbon which has the following commands:

·         Save – Saves the translation job in DB for later editing.

·         Save And Close – Saves the translation job in DB and close the job editor window.

·         Send For Translation – Save and send the translation job to Wordbee TMS. It closes the job editor window, once the job is sent for translation


Note: Wordbee Translate option is also available under the Organize menu at the top.

In addition, Wordbee Translation Management GUI extension gives you the option to add an item into the existing translation job. If any translation job is in Definition state and you have clicked on Wordbee Translate command to create a new job, a popup will appear. The popup will give you the option to create a new translation job or add to the existing translation job. Refer to the screenshot below:




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