Retrieves a compact list of supplier groups with their ID, name, description.
This method provides a compact list of groups and is not used for retrieval of full details or management thereof.
(GET) /services/suppliergroups/codes
(POST) /services/suppliergroups/codes
The method has no parameters.
Use the POST variant for Auto-completion and pagination.
The result is a JSON array with one element per country:
v | Unique group ID. | int |
t | Name of group. | string |
dynamic | Indicates if the group is dynamic (true) or static (false). | bool |
task | The settings/tasks/codes for which the group is defined. Example: TR, RV, PROOF. | string |
taskt | The task name such as "Translation", "Revision", etc. | string |
List of countries with 3 letter code and name.
[ { "v": 10, "t": "Preferred Translators", "dynamic": false, "task": "TR", "taskt": "Translation" }, { "v": 15, "t": "Preferred Revisers", "dynamic": true, "task": "RV", "taskt": "Revision" }, ... ]
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