This method lets returns the list of Services for a given Supplier Group
(GET) /api/services/suppliergroups/{id}/members
URL Parameters
id | The ID of a given supplier group | integer, Mandatory |
The method will look for the group with the corresponding ID, and will return the services from the Supplier Group in an array. Each array element has these properties:
Supplier Service Group:
gid | The ID of the group (matches the ID sent in the URL) | int |
cid | The ID of the company | int |
cname | The name of the company | string |
pid | The ID of the person owning the service, Null if owned by the company and not a specific person | int? |
pfirst | The first name of the person owning the service, Null if the person ID is Null | string? |
plast | The last name of the person owning the service, Null if the person ID is Null | string? |
supplierType | The supplier type, one of: "internal", "client", or "external" | string |
rating | The rating of the service, goes from 0 (none) to 6 (best) | int |
svc | Service related information (see below) | object |
src | Source language locale | string |
srct | Source language name | string |
trg | Target language locale | string |
trgt | Target language name | string |
task | The task code | string |
taskt | The task name | string |
plid | The ID of the price list associated to the service | int |
plcode | The code of the price list | string |
plname | The name of the price list | string |
unitsPerDay | Optional units per day handled, 0 if not set | short/int16 |
leadHours | Optional delay lead time in hours. 0 if not set. | short/int16 |
id | A reference to the servide description. Can be an inhouse service (Person) or an external service (Company) | int |
code | Optional product code, empty string if not set | string |
amount | The unit amount | decimal |
amountt | The unit amount formatted, Null if 0 or not set | string? |
Success [200]
(GET) /api/services/suppliergroups/55/members
"gid": 55,
"cid": 123,
"cname": "Client Company",
"pid": 456,
"pfirst": "John",
"plast": "Doh",
"supplierType": "Client",
"rating": 4,
"svc": {
"id": 345,
"code": "",
"amount": 1.0000,
"amountt": "EUR 1.00 per Word"
"src": "en",
"srct": "English (en)",
"trg": "ar",
"trgt": "Arabic (ar)",
"task": "TR",
"taskt": "Translation",
"plid": 678,
"plcode": "",
"plname": "Standard pricelist",
"unitsPerDay": 0,
"leadHours": 0
"gid": 55,
"cid": 124,
"cname": "Corpo Client",
"pid": 457,
"pfirst": "John",
"plast": "Corp",
"supplierType": "Client",
"rating": 0,
"svc": {
"id": 346,
"code": "",
"amount": 0.0000,
"amountt": null
"src": "fr",
"srct": "French (fr)",
"trg": "en",
"trgt": "English (en)",
"task": "TR",
"taskt": "Translation",
"plid": 679,
"plcode": "",
"plname": "Standard pricelist",
"unitsPerDay": 0,
"leadHours": 0
Not found [400]
ID is equal to 0 [400]
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