invoices/items/{id}/status/{status} (PUT)
invoices/items/{id}/status/{status} (PUT)
To update the invoice status.
Exactly as in the online User Interface, this method will trigger any automatic business operations that are configured in the platform. For example, auto-assignment of quote or invoice numbers depending on the status transition. The same will of course also happen when using the more general invoice update method.
(PUT) /api/invoices/items/{id}/status/{status}
The URL parameters are:
id | The invoice ID. | int, Mandatory |
status | The new invoice status. See options here: Invoice status | int, Mandatory |
The result is a JSON object:
| The new status of the invoice. | int |
| Title of status in language of user. | string |
Changing the status:
PUT /api/invoices/items/3668/status/1
"status": 1,
"statust": "Quote Sent"
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