persons/{uid}/settings (PUT)

persons/{uid}/settings (PUT)

This method lets you update specific user interface preferences of yourself or a specific person.

The properties you can update are, among others, user interface language, user interface “culture” or date/time format and the time zone.


(PUT) /api/persons/{uid}/settings (PUT) /api/persons/me/settings


The URL parameters are:


Either pass a user ID or the shortcut “me” for the logged user.

To find users, see persons/list

int or “me”, Mandatory

The body must contain a JSON object with these properties:



If null or missing then no change will be done.

To change the user interface language. For example:

"language": "fr"

To get all available options check out the “includeOptions” property in method persons/{uid}/settings


string?, Optional




If null or missing then no change will be done.

To change the date time format (culture) to a specific region. For example:

"culture": "fr-FR"

To get all available options check out the “includeOptions” property in method persons/{uid}/settings


string?, Optional



If null or missing then no change will be done.

To change the time zone. For example:

To get all available options check out the “includeOptions” property in method persons/{uid}/settings


string?, Optional


The method simply returns the updated properties, see results of Person settings




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