
Returns calendar with full details:

  • Weekends, non worked days, exceptionally worked days 
  • Appointments
  • Open jobs (jobs assigned, managed or otherwise accessible to user)
  • Open projects (projects managed or otherwise accessible to user) 
  • Open orders (orders submitted, managed or otherwise accessible to user)


(GET) /persons/{uid}/calendar/view


The URL parameters are:


The person ID

int, Mandatory

The date selection mode:

  • "m": Show a month. Specify month
  • "d": Show a single day. Specify month and day
string, Mandatory
 Optional date parameters. 
yearCalendar year. If not set then current year is, Optional
monthSpecify if range is "m". 1 = January, 2 =, Conditional
daySpecify if range is "d". 1 = First day of monthint, Conditional



Get details for the current month:


Get details for March:



A JSON array where each item represents one day. Properties for a day are: 


The timezone of the user. This is a string identifier.

offsetThe timezone offset in minutes with respect to UTC and for "today". Note that the timezone offset may vary with summer/winter time.decimal
daysArray of all days in the date range. See properties below.object[]
appointmentsList of appointments.object[]
projectsList of projects which the person manages. Null if the current user does not have access to projects. Typically reserved to project managers.object[]?
jobsList of jobs managed by or assigned to the person. Null if the current user does not have access to jobs. Typically reserved to workers.object[]?
ordersList of orders managed or submitted by the person. Null if the current user does not have access to orders. Typically reserved to project managers and clients.object[]?


Each day in days has these properties: 




Index of day in this array. 0, 1, 2...

Each event in events contains the indexes into the present array (for the convenience of an API user).

startUTC date/time. Start of day in UTC timezone.datetime
endUTC date/time. End of day in UTC timezone.datetime
workpIndicates if the day is worked by the person (only if API called for a specific person). Calculated from work.bool

Indicates if the day is worked by the parent company. Calculated from work.


Type of day activity:

  • Regular: Regular work day
  • Weekend: Not worked, weekend
  • CompanyNotWorked: Company is closed
  • CompanyWorked: Company is open exceptionally
  • PersonNotWorked: Person not working
  • PersonWorked: Person working

The person (or company) does not work if ty is either of:

  • Weekend
  • PersonNotWorked
  • CompanyNotWorked




Each element in appointments has these properties:

appidUnique ID of appointmentint


Start date in UTC timezone.

dttoEnd date in UTC timezone.datetime
dtfromidxIndex into days array. Null if the appointment starts before the selected calendar date
dttoidxIndex into days array. Null if the appointment ends after the selected calendar date
subjectTitle of eventstring
descDescription/Details for eventstring
cidCompany to which appointment is

Person to which appointment is assigned. Optional.

If null then the appointment is a company level appointment.

unmPerson first and last name.string?

List of attendees of appointment. Each element has:

  • cid: Company attending
  • uid: Person attending
  • cnm: Company name
  • unm: Person first + last name.
reminderReminder informationstring
rculeRecurrence rule 
rcparentParent appointment ID if recurrent event. 



Here we get details for a target document with 

	"timezone": "Romance Standard Time",
	"offset": 120.0,
	"days": [{
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 1,
		"idx": 0,
		"start": "2017-07-01T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-01T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 2,
		"idx": 1,
		"start": "2017-07-02T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-02T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 3,
		"idx": 2,
		"start": "2017-07-03T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-03T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 4,
		"idx": 3,
		"start": "2017-07-04T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-04T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 5,
		"idx": 4,
		"start": "2017-07-05T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-05T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 6,
		"idx": 5,
		"start": "2017-07-06T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-06T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 7,
		"idx": 6,
		"start": "2017-07-07T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-07T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 8,
		"idx": 7,
		"start": "2017-07-08T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-08T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 9,
		"idx": 8,
		"start": "2017-07-09T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-09T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 10,
		"idx": 9,
		"start": "2017-07-10T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-10T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 11,
		"idx": 10,
		"start": "2017-07-11T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-11T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 12,
		"idx": 11,
		"start": "2017-07-12T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-12T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 13,
		"idx": 12,
		"start": "2017-07-13T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-13T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 14,
		"idx": 13,
		"start": "2017-07-14T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-14T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 15,
		"idx": 14,
		"start": "2017-07-15T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-15T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 16,
		"idx": 15,
		"start": "2017-07-16T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-16T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 17,
		"idx": 16,
		"start": "2017-07-17T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-17T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 18,
		"idx": 17,
		"start": "2017-07-18T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-18T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 19,
		"idx": 18,
		"start": "2017-07-19T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-19T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 20,
		"idx": 19,
		"start": "2017-07-20T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-20T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 21,
		"idx": 20,
		"start": "2017-07-21T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-21T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 22,
		"idx": 21,
		"start": "2017-07-22T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-22T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 23,
		"idx": 22,
		"start": "2017-07-23T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-23T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 24,
		"idx": 23,
		"start": "2017-07-24T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-24T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 25,
		"idx": 24,
		"start": "2017-07-25T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-25T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 26,
		"idx": 25,
		"start": "2017-07-26T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-26T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 27,
		"idx": 26,
		"start": "2017-07-27T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-27T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 28,
		"idx": 27,
		"start": "2017-07-28T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-28T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 29,
		"idx": 28,
		"start": "2017-07-29T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-29T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 30,
		"idx": 29,
		"start": "2017-07-30T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-30T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": false,
		"work": "Weekend"
	}, {
		"year": 2017,
		"month": 7,
		"day": 31,
		"idx": 30,
		"start": "2017-07-31T00:00:00Z",
		"end": "2017-07-31T23:59:59Z",
		"workc": true,
		"work": "Regular"
	"appointments": [{
		"appid": 88,
		"dtfrom": "2017-07-06T22:00:00Z",
		"dtto": "2017-07-07T22:00:00Z",
		"dtfromidx": 6,
		"dttoidx": 7,
		"subject": "test Appointments",
		"desc": "",
		"cid": 1,
		"uid": null,
		"unm": " ",
		"attendees": [{
			"cid": 1,
			"uid": 143,
			"cnm": null,
			"unm": "Younes Guarssifi"
		"reminder": null,
		"rcule": "",
		"rcparent": null
	}, {
		"appid": 89,
		"dtfrom": "2017-07-05T22:00:00Z",
		"dtto": "2017-07-06T22:00:00Z",
		"dtfromidx": 5,
		"dttoidx": 6,
		"subject": "Test appointments",
		"desc": "",
		"cid": 1,
		"uid": null,
		"unm": " ",
		"attendees": [{
			"cid": 1,
			"uid": 3,
			"cnm": null,
			"unm": "Thierry Hund"
		}, {
			"cid": 1,
			"uid": 143,
			"cnm": null,
			"unm": "Younes Guarssifi"
		"reminder": null,
		"rcule": "",
		"rcparent": null
	"projects": [{
		"pid": 639,
		"ref": "111",
		"dtstart": "2017-06-14T10:02:39.24",
		"dtend": "2017-08-31T07:00:00",
		"rdate": "2017-06-14T10:02:39.24",
		"status": 3,
		"mid": null,
		"mname": " ",
		"dline": "2017-08-31T07:00:00",
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 640,
		"ref": "111",
		"dtstart": "2017-06-14T10:05:34.137",
		"dtend": "2017-08-31T07:00:00",
		"rdate": "2017-06-14T10:05:34.137",
		"status": 3,
		"mid": null,
		"mname": " ",
		"dline": "2017-08-31T07:00:00",
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 641,
		"ref": "111",
		"dtstart": "2017-06-14T10:11:21.77",
		"dtend": "2017-08-31T07:00:00",
		"rdate": "2017-06-14T10:11:21.77",
		"status": 3,
		"mid": null,
		"mname": " ",
		"dline": "2017-08-31T07:00:00",
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 664,
		"ref": "2017-174",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-03T08:30:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-03T12:30:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-03T08:30:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 4,
		"mname": "Florent Mauer",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 665,
		"ref": "2017-175",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-04T06:50:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-04T10:50:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-04T06:50:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 2,
		"mname": "Mikael Hell",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 666,
		"ref": "CODYT - Younes",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-04T10:20:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-04T14:20:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-04T10:20:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 1,
		"mname": "Cédric Pons",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 667,
		"ref": "#11492",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-05T07:50:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-05T11:50:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-05T07:50:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 4,
		"mname": "Florent Mauer",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 668,
		"ref": "IliesFirstProject",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-12T08:30:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-12T12:30:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-12T08:30:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 139,
		"mname": "Ilies BELLAL",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 669,
		"ref": "2017-176",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-14T08:20:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-14T12:20:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-14T08:20:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 139,
		"mname": "Ilies BELLAL",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 670,
		"ref": "Renault",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-18T07:50:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-18T11:50:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-18T07:50:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 1,
		"mname": "Cédric Pons",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 671,
		"ref": "test preview 18/07",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-18T14:10:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-18T18:10:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-18T14:10:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 1,
		"mname": "Cédric Pons",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 672,
		"ref": "Offline",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-25T07:30:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-25T11:30:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-25T07:30:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 1,
		"mname": "Cédric Pons",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 673,
		"ref": "2017-177",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-25T09:10:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-25T13:10:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-25T09:10:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 139,
		"mname": "Ilies BELLAL",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Cedric.Client"
	}, {
		"pid": 675,
		"ref": "Renault-LivePreview",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-28T07:00:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-28T11:00:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-28T07:00:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 1,
		"mname": "Cédric Pons",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	}, {
		"pid": 676,
		"ref": "2017-178",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-31T07:10:00",
		"dtend": "2017-07-31T11:10:00",
		"rdate": "2017-07-31T07:10:00",
		"status": 0,
		"mid": 4,
		"mname": "Florent Mauer",
		"dline": null,
		"cname": "Pons"
	"jobs": [{
		"id": "c875",
		"jobid": 875,
		"iscodyt": true,
		"reference": "01-This is a sample Doc.docx",
		"src/srct": "en",
		"trg/trgt": "fr-FR",
		"pname": "New Editor - Accessibility",
		"pid": 104,
		"status": 2,
		"statust": "â—€In progressâ–¶",
		"deadline": null,
		"dtstart": "2017-07-20T08:48:26.737",
		"dtend": null,
		"dtcassign": "2017-07-20T08:47:57.653",
		"dtpassign": "2017-07-20T08:48:26.737"
	}, {
		"id": "c9269",
		"jobid": 9269,
		"iscodyt": true,
		"reference": "1711.xls",
		"src/srct": "en",
		"trg/trgt": "fr",
		"pname": "Cédric - DO NOT DELETE",
		"pid": 59,
		"status": 10,
		"statust": "â—€Inactiveâ–¶",
		"deadline": null,
		"dtstart": null,
		"dtend": null,
		"dtcassign": "2017-07-04T12:38:18.553",
		"dtpassign": "2017-07-04T12:38:18.667"
	}, {
		"id": "c9521",
		"jobid": 9521,
		"iscodyt": true,
		"reference": "1711.xls",
		"src/srct": "en",
		"trg/trgt": "fr",
		"pname": "Cédric - DO NOT DELETE",
		"pid": 59,
		"status": 2,
		"statust": "â—€In progressâ–¶",
		"deadline": null,
		"dtstart": null,
		"dtend": null,
		"dtcassign": "2017-07-04T13:54:30.997",
		"dtpassign": "2017-07-04T13:54:30.997"
	}, {
		"id": "c9524",
		"jobid": 9524,
		"iscodyt": true,
		"reference": "Reportsv.1.docx",
		"src/srct": "en",
		"trg/trgt": "fr",
		"pname": "2017-175",
		"pid": 665,
		"status": 2,
		"statust": "â—€In progressâ–¶",
		"deadline": "2017-07-27T09:00:00",
		"dtstart": "2017-07-20T13:22:45.283",
		"dtend": null,
		"dtcassign": "2017-07-19T14:35:10.287",
		"dtpassign": "2017-07-19T14:38:18.383"
	}, {
		"id": "c9689",
		"jobid": 9689,
		"iscodyt": true,
		"reference": "Activity_Tracker_2017-07-04.xlsx",
		"src/srct": "en",
		"trg/trgt": "fr",
		"pname": "2017-165",
		"pid": 609,
		"status": 2,
		"statust": "â—€In progressâ–¶",
		"deadline": null,
		"dtstart": "2017-07-24T08:29:10.047",
		"dtend": null,
		"dtcassign": "2017-07-24T08:29:10.047",
		"dtpassign": "2017-07-24T08:29:10.383"
	}, {
		"id": "c9693",
		"jobid": 9693,
		"iscodyt": true,
		"reference": "RAPPORT DE STAGE.docx",
		"src/srct": "en",
		"trg/trgt": "de",
		"pname": "IliesFirstProject",
		"pid": 668,
		"status": 10,
		"statust": "â—€Inactiveâ–¶",
		"deadline": null,
		"dtstart": "2017-07-25T10:09:19.87",
		"dtend": null,
		"dtcassign": "2017-07-25T10:09:19.87",
		"dtpassign": "2017-07-25T10:09:19.883"
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