API - Get Account details

API - Get Account details

The purpose of this method is to retrieve all account information.


(GET) /api/account?token=


Parameters are:


The session token obtained when connecting.



The method returns JSON and HTTP status 200. Other HTTP status values indicate an error.


A typical result may look like:

{ "account": "Test", "beeboxAccountKey": "134ad8a2-2127-4b51-aee", "publicurl": null, "login": null, "details": { "companyName": "test", "contactName": "test", "contactEmail": "test@wordbee.com", "phone": null }, "productVersion": "1.05", "license": "TRIAL LICENSE: Product is licensed until 18/10/2029.", "licenseRequired": false, "canuse": true, "setupRequired": false, "updateAvailable": null, "hasActivationCode": false, "licenseDetails": { "accountName": "Test", "accountKey": "134ad8a2-21", "unregistered": false, "canuse": true, "akinvalid": false, "acinvalid": false, "istrial": true, "info": "TRIAL LICENSE: Product is licensed until 18/10/2029.", "licensee": { "companyName": "Test", "contactName": "test", "contactEmail": "test@wordbee.com", "phone": null }, "trialEnd": "2020-10-18T04:47:22.253", "trialActivationRequired": false, "licenseEnd": null, "licenseActivationRequired": false, "licenseComments": "", "lockips": false, "callerips": [ "" ], "features": { "pname": "Beebox Server", "maxProjects": 0, "maxSegments": 0, "maxWords": 0, "maxTSegments": 0, "maxTWords": 200000, "projectTypes": [ 0, 2 ], "items": [ { "title": "Product name:", "desc": "Beebox Server" }, { "title": "Maximum translated words:", "desc": "Up to 200,000" }, { "title": "CMS and Files translation:", "desc": "Enabled" } ] }, "message": null } }


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