The classic order form can be integrated with your website and provides an easy way for new clients to request work by submitting a general order. When this form is used, the order will be viewable in the system; however, the client will not exist and a project must be created manually from the submitted order.
Since this is a new client in the system, a project template will most likely not be available. Project templates can be used to streamline several tasks for new projects in the system including compatible resources, workflow, pricing, word count settings, document format profile, and custom fields. These are typically created after one project has been placed in the system for a client. To learn more, please see Project Templates in the User Guide section.
Additionally, you can configure what tasks will be completed for the project (i.e. translation, revision, proofreading, etc.). Tick each applicable checkbox in the pop-up window to configure this information for the new project. For this example, there are no project templates and only translation + revision will be performed.
A pricelist defines the costing for work to be done. With it you will define the currency, discounts for fuzzy matches, discounts for pre-translations, and the price per task (translation, revision, etc.) and language pair (English to German, German to French,...). For orders being submitted through the classic form, you typically will not have a pricelist defined for the prospective client.
Once the jobs have been created and a supplier has been proposed the job, they may also log into the client portal (if the feature is enabled on the platform) to view the job proposal and accept it. With this feature the supplier may also conduct the work and submit it. A job proposal may also be accepted via the email notification they receive.
The Jobs Tab will appear similar to what is shown below once all jobs have been created, assigned, and proposed to suppliers:
Info |
For more information about creating jobs for standard projects, please see the Create and Assign Jobs page in the Getting Started Guide. |
After all jobs have been completed, the next step will be to generate an invoice for the completed work. To generate an invoice, first click on the the Project Tab when viewing the order details. Then do the following:
- Click on the Counts & Cost Tab.
- Click on Client Counts and Cost.
- Tick item the invoice will be created for.
- Click on Create quote/invoice selected....
Next, choose Invoice Draft in the Status drop-down menu. If desired, enabled the option to make the invoice accessible to the client via the client portal and then choose a format for the invoice. Click on OK when finished.
You will be redirected to Quotes and Invoices on the Counts & Cost Tab. In the example below the access permissions have been changed to "Can View". You can choose to provide no access or even allow the invoice to be edited. Click on Select to view the invoice.
when viewing the Order Details and then click on the Cost Tab. Click on Add New in the upper right corner to create the invoice.
In the pop-up window, leave the current option selected and then click on Continue.
Choose a pricelist for calculating the cost of the project. By default, the cost will include all target languages, if one should be removed, tick the checkbox for Select languages to cost and then remove the checkmark for the language. Click on Continue when done.
Next, change the Status to "Invoice Draft" and click on OK to save the invoice.
Then click on Close to exit the pop-up window. Next, click on Select for the invoice in the Cost Tab.
To finish, you will need to attach the invoice. Perform the following:
- Click on Attach.
- Create the file from your own or the default Wordbee template.
- Click on Save and Attach.
After the invoice has been attached, you will see a Download option. Click on Close to exit the invoice pop-up window. The Cost Tab will appear as shown below once an invoice has been created and attached to the project.
Info |
To learn more about generating invoices for clients or suppliers, please see the Managing Quotes & Invoices section. |