scope | The scope object. It delimits the total range of segments and related resources that can be accessed. Example of a "job" scope: Code Block |
"type": "Job",
"jobid": 9927,
"jobcdyt": true
} |
| object |
properties | Additional information on the scope, such as title and hyperlinks: - name: The print name of the scope type. For example: "Project", "Job"...
- title: The print title of the scope: A project reference, a job reference, a resource name and so on.
- url: A hyperlink to access the Wordbee Translator page for the scope. For example, the project details page, the job details page, the global search page and so on.
- parent: With "Resource" scopes only. See chapter in Scope (Object)
- status: A numeric status code. Used with Project and Job scopes only - otherwise null.
- statust: The status name.
- statusc: The status HTML color.
Additional properties as a function of scope type: Project scope - dsid: The resource ID that contains the segments of the scope.
- status: The numeric project status
- statust: The status title such as "Completed", "In progress", etc.
- statusc: An HTML color for the status.
Job scope - dsid: The resource ID that contains the segments of the scope.
- task: The task code such as TR, RV or PROOF
- taskt: The task title such as "Translation"
- srconly: A boolean. If true then the job is for work on the source language only.
- status: The numeric job status. See possible values here: Job Status
- statust: The status title such as "Completed", "In progress", etc.
- statusc: An HTML color for the status.
- pid: The project id.
- pname: The project reference.
- branchLocale: The branch locale. Typically the target language except in workflows where there are intermediary workflow steps from/into other languages (example: back translation workflows)
Global Search scope - canSearchAllResources: Boolean. True if the user can search all resources. False if the user can search only those resources assigned to user's company.
- canSearchProjectMemories: Boolean. True if user can search project memories. False if user can only search translation memories and term bases.
| object |
hasFiles | True if the scope has documents (source files and translated files). It is true for "Project" and "Job" scopes only. | bool |
hasSingleFile | True if the scope has documents and there is just a single source file. For example, with Codyt jobs this property will always be true. | bool |
locales | An array of all locales (languages) available in the scope and for the user. Each item has these properties: - loc: The language code aka locale
- name: The language name
- issrc: True if the language is a source language. Note that there can be multiple source languages (e.g. in resources).
- istrg: True if the language is a target language. Note that a language can be both source and target language (in Codyt projects).
- isadd: True if the language is an additional language. For example, most jobs have a source and a target language. However, the job may be part of a project with many more languages. A manager is authorized to see all "additional" languages.
- canEdit: True: Content of this language is "in principle" qualified for edits. This is a global access right and can be revoked individually per segment. If the value is false, no write access will be given by any API method.
- loc_rtl: True if the language is written right-to-left.
- locpart: The language part of the locale. If the locale is "en-US" then the language part is "en".
| object[] |
labels | Contains characteristics and access rights for labels. The object properties are: - canView: Boolean. True if the user can view labels. False if not. The system will not return any label details with queries if the user cannot see them.
- canEdit: Boolean. True if the user can edit labels. Note that each segment in a query result may override this general access right and revoke it individually per segment or language.
- labels: An array of all labels the user can view or edit. See details here: Label (Object)
| object |
cf | An array of all custom fields to which the user has access. See this page for details: Custom Field (Object)
| object[] |
comments | Describes generic access rights for manipulating segment and document level comments in the scope: - canDeleteCommentsOfOtherUsers: The user can delete comments written by other users.
- canSendEmails: The user can notify comments by email to other users (that have access to the same scope)
- canAddComments: The user can add comments in this scope.
- canEditComments: The user can edit comments in this scope.
| object |
general | Describes other access rights useful to know with the scope: - canSeeWorkerFullName: The user can see the names of other users in the scope: User who added comments, made revisions, etc.
- canLockUnlockSegments: If true then the user can "in principle" lock/unlock segments. However, each segment may individually revoke this right.
- canSetMinMax: If true then the user can "in principle" set minimum and maximum length constraints for segments. However, each segment may individually revoke this right.
- canAddSegment: If true, then the user can add new segments to the scope. This can be true for specific scopes "DocumentSet" and "Resource" only.
- canDeleteSegment: If true, then the user can delete segments from the scope. This can be true for specific scopes "DocumentSet" and "Resource" only.
- canViewBA: If true then the user can see business analytical information for the scope: Statistics on number of edits, post-edits, fixes, etc.
- canViewRefMat: If true then the user has access to reference material that may have been included with the scope. This applies to scopes "Project" and "Job" only.
- canEditRefMat: If true then the user can add/rename/delete reference material. Typically this requires advanced project management access rights.
- canIOXWord: If true then the user can export query results Microsoft Word or Excel. See resources/segments/view/export
- canIOXliff: If true then the user can export query results Microsoft Word or Excel. See resources/segments/view/export
- canViewQA: True if the user can view Quality Assurance results.
- canRunQA: True if the user can run the Quality Assurance tool. See resources/qa
- lockedQAProfileId: Optional ID of the QA profile that must be used if a user runs a QA.
- canUseMT: True if the user can use machine translation of individual texts.
- canViewBA: True if the user can see business analytics information for the scope (such as total change actions by user).
- canGS: True if the user has access to global search features.
| |
tmhits | Describes filter and sort presets used for any translation memory searches. Presets can be specified in word count profiles in Wordbee Translator (and thus be linked to projects and jobs).