Target Language Panel

Target Language Panel

The Target Language Panel is where the translation is performed. When opening the CAT editor, you may see segments that were already translated. This is the case when linguistic resources (translation memories,…) were used for pre-translation. 

When you start translating a segment, you will see a half yellow circle at the upper right corner of the text box. 

Click on it to select from the options shown below. These options only apply to the selected segment:

Note that Perfect pre-translations will appear in blueExact pre-translations in green and Fuzzy pre-translations in red.

UndoReverts the last change applied to the segment.
RedoRepeats the last undone action applied to the segment.
Split or Join Current Segment

Manually inserts divisions or joins different segments.

Note that you can only join segments that are part of the same paragraph (eg, segment 74, 74-2, 74-3, 74-4, and 74-5).

Define Segment ConstraintsRestricts the size of a segment to a certain limit in pixels. Interesting for localizing interfaces or other size-limited applications.
Lock SegmentThis segment cannot be modified anymore.
Copy Inline Tags from Source to TargetCopies the tags in the source segment to the target segment (the text itself is not copied). Usually used with HTML translations.
Copy Source Text to TargetCopies the content of the source segment into the target.
 Translate by MachineDepending on your access rights, you will be given the possibility to translate the content of the source segment using machine translation. The resulting translation is automatically inserted in the target segment for post-editing.
Insert a Symbol or a Special CharacterUse this command to open the special characters window in which you can select characters that cannot be entered from your keyboard.
Insert Tags

Add tags that were not part of the source segment, to the target segment. It can be tags to set words in bold, italic, underline, superscript, or subscript.

This function is usually used for HTML, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, Adobe Indesign and FrameMaker documents.

 Propagate TranslationIf the segment you are translating is repeated in the document, the system will automatically paste your translation in all the other segments.
 Add Current Segment to ResourceAdds the source and target segments to the segment information panel.
 View Text RevisionShows additional text information in the segment information panel.

Icons present on the right side of the target language panel:


Bookmarks are useful for marking your progress and returning to continue your work at a later time, and for marking complex segments. You have blue and red bookmarks at your disposition.

Note that you can filter bookmarked segments: Filter > Bookmarks > Choose the bookmark color you want to filter.

Size Constraints

Click on this icon to limit the size of your translated segment. To ensure that you are within the established limits, click the View text size constraints icon once again to show the translated segment inside the constraint window. 

If you do exceed the limit, you can always rephrase your translation to adjust its size or post a comment and propose an alternative to the project manager.

Segment InformationClick on this icon to open the segment information panel.
View/Add Comments

Click on this icon to open the comments and discussion panel. Once a comment has been added to a segment, the bubble turns orange .

Note that you can filter all the commented segments: Filter > Commented segments only.

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