List segments
Use this method to enumerate or find segments. It returns segment details for two languages (you can specify).
(GET) projects/{projectid}/documents/{documentid}/segments
token | The token obtained on connection | Required |
projectid | The unique project identifier | Required |
documentid | The unique document identifier | Required |
source | The source language code. Example: "source=en" | Required |
target | The target language code. Example: "locale2=de" | Required |
filter | A json containing the filter information (see below) | Optional |
from | The first record to show starting with index 0. Default is 0 | Optional |
count | The number of records to show, up to 1000 at a time. Default is 1000. | Optional |
JSON format of "data" parameter
Only specify those fields that you want to update.
commented | OnlySet true to get only commented segments. If false, all segments are returned. | Optional |
constraint | OnlySet true to get only segments that have constraints defined. If false, all segments are returned. | Optional |
errorneousOnly | Set true to get errorneous segments. That means segments in red status or untranslated segments. If false, all segments are returned. | Optional |
locked | Set true to get only locked segments. If false, only unlocked segments are returned. | Optional |
bookmark | To filter on the bookmark value. Existing values: None = 0, Level1 = 1, Level2 = 2 | Optional |
status | To filter on the text's status. Existing values: None = 0, Ok = 1, Problem = 2 | Optional |
since | To filter on the last modification date of the segment. | Optional |
Returns a list of ApiSegmentRecord items.
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