Gets basic summary information for the job as well as the list of actions permitted for the current user
This method is useful to implement tools to quickly view the status of a job and propose all available actions to the user:
- Accept job or proposal
- Decline job
- Re-assign job
- Manager only actions where applicable
- Etc.
(GET) /jobs/{id}/summary
URL parameters are:
id | The job ID. Formats used are:
| Mandatory |
The result is a JSON object:
id | The globally unique string ID of the job, such as "c2002" or "s773" | string |
jobid | The numeric job id (unique for Standard and Codyt respectively) | int |
iscodyt | True: A Codyt job. False: A standard job. | bool |
reference | The reference of the job. With Codyt jobs this is the job's document name. | string |
src / srct | Source language code and name | string |
trg / trgt | Target language code and name | string |
branch / brancht | Branch language code and name. In general the branch locale is identical to the target locale. It may be different where a workflow involves a back translation or translation into pivot languages. | string |
task / taskt | Type of task with code and title. | |
pname | The reference of the project. | string |
pid | The project id. | int |
status | The job status as a number. See Job Status | int |
statust | The job status name. | string |
hasPredecessor | True if this job has a predecessor in the workflow | bool |
assignment | A node containing details on the current job assignment, see further down. Example: "assignment": { "mode": 0, "modet": "Fixed assignment", "cid": 334, "cname": "Ultra Translations", "uid": null, "uname": null, "wasAccepted": true } | |
deadline | Deadline | datetime? |
dtstart | Date when the job started (typically when moved to in progress status). | datetime? |
dtend | Date when the job was finished (when moved to completed or above status). | datetime? |
dtcassign | Date when the company was assigned. | datetime? |
dtpassign | Date when the person was assigned. | datetime? |
actions | An array of available actions, see below. If no action is available to the user, the array is empty. Example: { "id": "OPENING_ACCEPT_INACTIVE", "title": "Yes, I want to reserve this upcoming job!", "desc": "This job is still inactive but you can already reserve it now.", "isinfo": false, "isprimary": true, "affectsRights": true, "style": "Green", "uicontrol": "TermsShowLink" } | object[] |
readOnly | For information. If false then the job is totally locked for any change. This is for example the case if the parent project has been closed. | bool |
uicontrols | An object that includes additional parameters per actions' "uicontrol" value. These are properties required to render the action specific UI. | object |
Assignment object
The object has these properties:
mode | 0 = fixed assignment mode, 1 = open job proposal, 2 = crowd sourcing mode | int |
modet | The name of the mode. Example: "Fixed assignment" | string |
cid | Null or the ID of the assigned company. Note that if mode = 1, a job is still a proposal and never assigned yet. If mode = 2, the job is not assigned neither since multiple people can work at the same time. | int? |
cname | Null or the name of the assigned company. | string? |
uid | Null or the ID of the assigned person. If this value is set then "cid" is set as well. Note that a job can be assigned to just a company without specifying a specific user. The exception is, of course, if a job is assigned to an in-house worker. | int? |
uname | Null or the name of the assigned person. To get full person details, use: persons/{uid} | string? |
wasAccepted | When a job is assigned by a manager, this property is false. It is set to true as soon as the assigned company or person takes action such as: Accept job, Accept job proposal, Change status to In Progress, etc. This flag is a useful indication for the manager as well as the assigned worker. | bool |
Action object
Each element in actions has these properties:
id | The ID of the action. When you want to apply an action you will need to supply this ID. | string |
title | The name or title of the action. | string |
desc | Null or a description of the action. | string? |
isinfo | True if this item is only there to show some information. No button. This is for example used when there is no action available to the user and we want to inform the user why there is no action at this point in time. | bool |
isprimary | True if this action should be shown prominently. Typically all primary actions should be immediately accessible through buttons and without opening a combo etc. False if this action is less important and can be hidden in an "Actions" drop down. | bool |
affectsRights | Indicates if applying the action will change the accessibility of the job. For example, changing the status of a job requires reloading editing access rights with parameter "loadRightsFromCache" = true in the editor initialisation method: resources/segments/view/properties One of the actions giving "false" for this property is the one to submit a message with the job. | |
style | A color style for actions. For example, cancellation may be colored "red", job acceptance be colored "green" and so on. Possible values are:
| string |
uicontrol | This defines what you need to show to the user together with the title and description of the action:
NOTE: If isinfo is true then uicontrol will be | string |
mustNotify | If true, a notification will be sent always. The user has no possibility to untick the notify checkbox. Any unticking will be overridden server side. | bool |
Uicontrols object
The object has one property per UI control in the list of actions. If there is no action at all, the object is empty (but not null).
None | Always null | object |
Terms | Contains properties:
To fetch terms & conditions use this API: jobs/{id}/terms/preview (without setting the cid/pid parameters) | object |
KeepJobOpen | Always null. Render a checkbox, unticked by default, and ask the user if the job shall be kept open when sending back work to the preceding job in the workflow. | object |
AssignWithinCompany | Always null. Use API to get list of colleagues of the current user. | object |
WorkCompleted | Contains properties:
To evaluate if the job has problems, use this API method: If the pass result is false, the job cannot be completed - Unless canSkip above is true. Users with advanced access rights can override blocking situations:
The following example is for a manager user accessing a job which is proposed to him/her. As a manager, the user has management level actions as well.
{ "id": "c231", "jobid": 231, "iscodyt": true, "status": 1, "statust": "Not assigned", "hasPredecessor": false, "assignment": { "mode": 0, "modet": "Fixed assignment", "cid": null, "cname": null, "uid": null, "uname": null, "wasAccepted": false }, "readOnly": false, "actions": [ { "id": "OPENING_ACCEPT_INACTIVE", "title": "Yes, I want to reserve this upcoming job!", "desc": "This job is still inactive but you can already reserve it now. This will put your name on the job.", "isinfo": false, "isprimary": true, "affectsRights": true, "style": "Green", "uicontrol": "Terms" }, { "id": "OPENING_DECLINE", "title": "Unfortunately, I have to decline this proposal.", "desc": "This will remove the job opening from your job list.", "isinfo": false, "isprimary": true, "affectsRights": true, "style": "Gray", "uicontrol": "None" }, { "id": "ADMIN_STATUS_NOTASSIGNED", "title": "Change status to 'Not assigned'", "desc": null, "isinfo": false, "isprimary": false, "affectsRights": true, "style": "Default", "uicontrol": "None" }, { "id": "ADMIN_STATUS_NOTSTARTED", "title": "Change status to 'Not started'", "desc": null, "isinfo": false, "isprimary": false, "affectsRights": true, "style": "Default", "uicontrol": "None" } ], "uicontrols": { "Terms": { "termsShow": true }, "None": null }, }
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