Excel Layout - Defining Columns

Excel Layout - Defining Columns

When exporting an Excel you specify a layout. The layout is the columns to print in the Excel. For example, you may print the String ID, all 10 languages, some custom fields, maybe the status and more. The sky is the limit.

Defining the Excel columns

The columns are defined in a layout object. For Flex exports, we just need the column definitions.

Example: The layout below will export the Flex container name, the string ID, the English text, the German text and a German custom field.

"layout": { "columns": [ { "fkey": "15~~0" }, { "fkey": "2~~0" }, { "fkey": "1~en~0", "canEdit": false }, { "fkey": "1~de~0", "canEdit": true }, { "fkey": "7~de~3", "canEdit": false } ] }

The above example will generate this Excel:


Each column has these properties:

  • fkey defines the precise type of column.

  • canEdit defines if the user shall be able to edit the column values.

See layout object for the different column types and how to build the fkey.

Default layouts

When you export an Excel but you do not specify a layout, the system will create a default. The default has these columns:

  • The Flex container name.

  • The String ID.

  • The source text.

  • The target text. If the container has multiple target languages, it will export the first one.


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