settings/customfields/{id}/options/find (POST)

settings/customfields/{id}/options/find (POST)

This method is used for Auto-Complete Pick Lists. Given a prefix, it pulls matching pick list options.

Those are fields where a user can start typing and the control shows a list of matching options. This type of custom field is very powerful as it also permits to show any meta data to the user. See this page for details.


(POST) /api/settings/customfields/{id}/options/find


The URL has these parameters:


The unique ID of the custom field. Easily find all your fields' IDs with: settings/customfields

Note: The ID is of the following format. The first number identifies the object to which the field relates (such as project, job, person, segment, etc.). The second number is a sequential field number.



string, Mandatory

The BODY must include a JSON array with the options. Each array element has these properties:


Mandatory. The service pulls options that have a value starting with this prefix.

For example, when prefix is “ab” the web service will return all options starting with letters “ab”. The lookup mechanism is case insensitive.

string, Mandatory


Optional, default is 20.

Maximum number of matching options to pull and show.

Note: The maximum allowed value is 20.

int?, Optional


Optional, default is 0.

int?, Optional



The method returns a JSON array with the matching options.

Example when searching with this payload:

{ "prefix": "pa" }




This web service requires the custom field to be configured. This comprising uploading all available options (including meta data, if any) via a web service.

See Auto-complete pick lists for details.



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