Learn how to manage your data in the system.
Admin users can export the full list of clients, pricelists and user profiles and all related details in variours formats.
Use the "Export" option in the Client Dashboard template:
Use the print button and make the choice of your columns
Admin users can export all user profile details in Excel, XML or JSON format.
These details include all user related information other than their service portfolio qualifications.
The Service Portfolio for client users (Master company or any other client company) can't be exported. |
All services included in your pricelists can be exported in a ready to use Excel Template for better overview.
To import any of the information above you will need to accomodate the exported files following the DATA IMPORT template provided under My Company > Data Import
Three templates are proposed depending on the type of information you want to import:
Download the template you wish to use and transfer all details to the right columns as described in the dedicated page of the documentation. How to do a mass update on Company or User related information