In Wordbee Translator, a supplier is a person or company who provides a service to a client (in form of a job) for the realization of a project. This includes an individual who performs translations or other tasks as well as agencies or other companies who offer their services to clients. In other words, suppliers can be part of your in-house team or external vendors (freelance translators, translation agencies, corporations, etc.).

Types of suppliers

You can find two types of supplier users in the system:

You will have an overview of all supplier types from the Suppliers page.

How do suppliers join your projects?

As we mentioned above, in each project, you will need to define the tasks to be performed to finalise the work required for your clients. Each step in the project workflow is called a job

Learn more about how to set up the system so your teams can participate in the projects:

Job requirements

For a supplier to be able to take part in the projects, you will need to enter the right information about the services they provide, so they can qualify for the jobs. There are two main conditions for a supplier to be able to perform a job:

Read the section below, Service portfolio and pricing details to know how to proceed to update the details for each type of supplier user.


If you require very accurate results and filtering of your suppliers, you can:

 - make the language combination of your services locale-specific (English vs. English-US). This will allow you to apply an additional level of filtering when dispatching the jobs among your pool of suppliers.

- include internal comments that you can visualize in the assignment screens as well as in the list of suppliers or supplier services. These comments can be added in the supplier profiles as well as in the pricelists or service screens. They will be available for inhouse vendors having access to these sections.

Service portfolio and pricing details for suppliers

Depending on the type of supplier user you are managing (inhouse vs. external) you will need to enter the qualifications of the service they provide in their user profile or in the company they work for.

Entering prices to the services suppliers provide is something optional. If you want to track inhouse and external costs, invoice your vendors and clients or simple use Wordbee to its fullest, then you will need to enter all these details so you can exploit the invoicing features the system has.