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For more information, please see the following sections: The following file extensions are supported when setting up file format configurations for Microsoft.net resources: .resx.
For more information, please see the following sections:
Table of Contents |
To learn more about working with file format configurations, please see the following pages:
- Viewing File Format Configurations
- Modifying Format Configurations
- Creating Format Configurations
- Testing File Format ConfigurationsView file format configurations
- Modify file format configurations
- Create file format configurations
- Test and validate file format configurations
Default Microsoft.net Resource Configuration
If you are performing a Microsoft.net resource translation, a custom file format configuration might be necessary to achieve the right results in your target file. Outside of the default configuration selections, Wordbee Translator offers many additional choices for configuring:
- Show Whitespaces at Beginning and End to the Translator.
- Replace '& nbsp;' by blanks (not recommended).
- Display Entity References as Original HTML Code or Convert Numeric Entities Only.
- Exclude Specific Content via Regular Expressions.
- Always Split Text at Line Breaks.
Microsoft.net File Options
When setting up a file format configuration for Microsoft.net resources, there are many options to choose from to ensure extraction is successful. The options are described in general below based on individual sections.
- Content - This section contains options for content within the source file and may be used to show or hide beginning/ending whitespaces, compress sequences of whitespaces, and configure how entitiey entity references are handled.
- Exclude Content - This option may be used to enter regular expressions for exlcuding content from translation within the source file.
- Text Segmentation - Enable/Disable SRX rules for text segmentation and choose to spilt or not split text at line breaks.