To learn more about working with file format configurations, please see the following pages:
- Viewing File Format Configurations
- Modifying Format Configurations
- Creating Format Configurations
- Testing File Format ConfigurationsView file format configurations
- Modify file format configurations
- Create file format configurations
- Test and validate file format configurations
General Tab
The General Tab contains options for configuring the type of encoding, HTML code, HTML attributes, content exclusion, and text segmentation. The options are described in general below based on individual sections.
- Extract Quoted Strings - Web pages may contain Javascript or server side code such as PHP. You can decide whether the system will automatically extract quoted strings in code sections during translation. For example, you can compress sequences of whitespaces or extract quoted strings even when no pattern entered in the "Exclude Quoted Strings" configuration section matches.
- Exclude Quoted Strings - This configuration section may be used to enter specific text segments or regular expressions to exclude from the translation. For each piece of text (segments), the system looks for the texts or regular expression patterns entered in this configuration section. If a text/pattern matches, then it is possible to mark the segment as either translatable or not translatable.
- Include or Exclude Additional Content - This configuration section may be used to specify regular expressions to extract text inside code (Javascript, etc.). The regular expressions are not limited to quoted strings but can capture anything. The regex MUST contain capture groups named "pattern1", "pattern2", etc. Example: @(?<pattern1>.*?)@ will extract any text delimited by "@".
HTML Tags and Attributes Tab
The HTML Tags and Attributes Tab contains options for managing translatable attributes within the web page, non-breaking tags, and whitespace preserving tags for the translation.
- Translatable Attributes
- - By default, the several attributes are configured to be extracted for translation (alt, title, placeholder, content, values, etc.). Conditions can be defined on the containing parent tag and other attributes that must have specific values.
- Within this section, you can change the pre-defined attributes name, parent tag, or advanced condition. Additonally,
- you can mark attributes as translatable or non-translatable
- , use Regex for
- an attribute, or even remove attributes from the configuration.
- Non-Breaking Tags
- - By default, several tags are pre-defined in the Web Page configuration to be non-breaking or inline tags. These are typically links, images or text formatting elements. Tags are case insensitive and include the following pre-defined items:
a acronym b big blink br cite code dfn em font i iframe img kbd s small span strike strong small sub sup tt u var ruby rt rc rp rbc rtc asp:label
Additional non-breaking or inline tags may be entered in this section if needed for the Web Page translation.
- Whitespace Preserving Tags
- - Whitespaces are generally disregarded within HTML code. However, tags entered in this section are considered an exception and preserve any whitespace within the file during translation. Tags are case insensitive and include the following.
pre script style
This configuration section is for information purposes only and no additional tags may be added for whitespace preservation.
CMS Specific Settings Tab
The CMS Specific Settings Tab contains options for handling custom markup, as Wordpress, Drupal and other CMS include so called "shortcodes" in the HTML. Shortcodes are markup and do not need to be translated. Shortcodes use square brackets such as in: [image title="This is a text"].
- Content between Double Brackets is Considered Markup
- - Enable this option to ensure "shortcodes" including by the CMS as part of the HTML file are not extracted for the translation.
Note |
Note that attributes in the codes may need translation. If certain shortcode attributes need translation, then you need to add the attributes in the HTML Tags and Attributes Tab. |