To learn more about working with file format configurations, please see the following pages:
- Viewing File Format Configurations
- Modifying Format Configurations
- Creating Format Configurations
- Testing File Format ConfigurationsView file format configurations
- Modify file format configurations
- Create file format configurations
- Test and validate file format configurations
General Tab
The General Tab contains options for choosing what type of content will be translated and what portions of the CSV file will be extracted. For example, a custom configuration would be helpful if you desire to only extract certain columns or rows for monolingual content or when the translation will be for a multilingual content.
The Do Not Translate Tab contains options for configuring what will not be extracted for translation within the source file. Within the Segments option, you can enter
- Segments - Enter certain texts or regular expressions for Wordbee Translator to locate and exclude from the translation. Any text that does not match entered texts or patterns is automatically considered by the system to be translatable.
Regular expressions may be entered in the system to protect entire segments or just terms with the file. These segments or terms will not be extracted for translation and be taken into account during the wordcount step.
- A good example, is entering terms or regular expressions to protect brand names or confidential content like software codes.
Whitespaces & Symbols Tab