The General Tab contains options for configuring the type of encoding, HTML code, HTML attributes, content exclusion, and text segmentation. The options are described in general below based on individual sections.
- Encoding - The default encoding selection for web pages is UTF-8; however, the encoding option may be used to select a different type of encoding such as Windows, Macintosh, ASCII, etc. An additional option is provided for converting characters that are not compatible with the target encoding into entity references.
- HTML Code
- - These options inform Wordbee Translator how the HTML code itself will be handled during translation. Within this
- configuration section, you
- are able to
To show or not show whitespaces at beginning and end to the translator.
Compress sequences of whitespaces into a single whitespace.
- hide beginning/ending whitespaces, compress sequences of whitespaces, replace '& nbsp;' by blanks
- , show preceeding/trailing HTML tags
- , and change how entity references are displayed to
- translators.
- HTML Attributes
- - These options inform Wordbee Translator how to handle specific HTML attributes during translation
- . Within this configuration section, you are able to show
- beginning
- /end whitespaces, compress sequences of whitespaces
- , and change how entity references are displayed to the translator
- .
- Exclude Content
- - This option may be used to configure specific content to be excluded from the extracted text for translation. Within this configuration section you can enter text segments or regular expressions.
- If a text/pattern matches, then it is possible to mark the segment as not translatable, as translatable or as potentially not translatable.
- Text Segmentation
- - This configuration section may be used to enable
- /disable SRX rules for text segmentation
- Enable/Disable SRX Rules for Text Segmentation
- Elect to Always Split Text at Line Breaks
- and to always split text at line breaks.
Server and Client Side Code Tab