Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Each row represents a segment. Anytime you open one segment, it would pop up from the editor letting you know that you are in editing mode. Then you can modify the text or leave comments to other users, for instance.



Part 1. Column Zero


IconsValues / OptionsDescription
Segment panel (advanced)

Segment formatting


This menu is only supported in the following file formats:
1. IDML/Indesign
2. MS Word/MS Excel/MS PowerPoint (new Office file formats DOCX, XLSX and PPTX)
3. XML 
4. Webpages

Ω: list of special characters. Find how to enrich your personalized list here.

Text formatting:

B: bold text

 I: italic text

U: underline

 : subscript and superscript

 No label (default)

One or several labels can be applied to language segments. As soon as you start adding them, their color value will be reflected in the related icon

Only when you have more than 3 labels attached to the segment, a counter will be displayed.

Also, a global count on the labels in use are available in the statistics panel. Learn more on how to apply labels to segments or languages by using batch actions

No comments (default)

Has comments

Comments will be displayed in the Timeline widget

 No bookmarks (default)

Blue bookmark

Red bookmark

Pin segments to highlight something

Unlocked (default)


Indicates the possibility to make modifications in a segment.

  • Unlocked: in working target
  • Locked: in other target (if any)

 NEUTRAL (default)



By default: NEUTRAL

Exact Pre-Translation

Fuzzy Pre-Translation

Displays pre-translation hits (if any)


When the smart Assistant is on, this is the mark to highlight segments with problems.

QA Errors

QA problems are marked with the PROBLEM status icon.

Other possible outputs of the QA check are :Info and Warning


Speed-up your editing

Note you can use many customizable shortcuts to edit and validate your segments. For example, the shortcut (CTRL+D) can be used to delete all content after the cursor position on the translated segments.
