When configuring an order form for a client to use within the client portal, there are two specific configuration tasks that must be completed. The first involves the configuration of the form header and links on the form. Second, you must configure each available option for requested work and the workflow for these user options.
The following page provides a general view about these settings:
Form Header & URL's
For a step-by-step configuration guide, go to the following section Enter Basic Form Information
The first set of options to configure when creating a new order form for a client will be the form header and URL information. This information will appear at the top of the form and includes the:
- Header & Description - Displayed at the top of the order form and may be the name of the client or your company (if the form will be used by all clients). The description is optional and appears as smaller text below the header on the form.
- Header Help Text - Optionally, the form renders a help link in the top right of the order form. The text you enter here will be shown in a tooltip when a user clicks the link and may be marked as HTML code.
- Terms and Conditions URL - This is the URL where the client can read your companies terms and conditions. If the URL is defined, it will be displayed on the order form with a checkbox and the client must accept the terms and conditions before submitting the order.
- Show Help in Tooltips Option - Customized help texts may be defined for each field to help users completing the form. When enabled, users will see a help icon next to the field, which they may click on to view your help texts.
- Log Selected Option - If ticked, the name of the selected form option is included with the order instructions. This behavior is recommended as both the client as well as the manager can clearly see which form option was chosen.
Once these items have been configured, you will then need to set up the user options for selecting the type of work to be completed for the order. This might include creating user options for the type of documents, services offered, etc.
User Options
The User Options represent a different, individual configurations of the current form. For example, options can be defined for the type of work such as "Regular translation", "Localization", "24 hour request", "Medical translation", etc.
Each option individually specifies how words are counted, how pre-translation and costing is done, and what kind of workflows are created for that specifically defined task.
For example, the "Medical translation" options would likely be configured to pre-translate using a client's medical translation memories and a workflow selecting your medical translators.
For a step-by-step configuration guide, go to the following section Configure the Form User Options
Basic Information
First, the basic information for the option must be completed. These details must be entered for each user option displayed on the form and includes:
- Option Name - Required. Text will appear as a selection underneath "Type of Work" on the customized form. It should be kept short and precise to avoid confusion. It can help your client understand what kind of service will be provided when selected (examples are always a good way to ilustrate this).
- Description - A detailed description of the option shown to the user. Use this space to precisely explain the purpose of the option so that the user fully understands their selection. Text may be marked as HTML code.
- Help Message - If filled in, the form shows a help icon where you can give an even more detailed description of the option to the user. Text may be marked as HTML code.
General Settings Tab
The General Settings Tab provides options for configuring basic settings such as the word count profile, machine translation system to be used, document format profile, initial order status, etc. It is broken into three sections:
Settings Section
The Settings options may be used to configure basic form information such as the default word count profile, resource group, machine translation system, etc that will be displayed to the client or used for the submitted order form.
- Word Count Profile - Select the word count profile to count words of files uploaded by the client.
- Resource Group - If defined and a project will be created, all the memories from the memory group selected here will be used for word counts and pre-translation. The memories and term bases of the profile will also added to the project resource list (if a project is created upon submission of order).
- Machine Translation - The machine translation system to use for pre-translation of files uploaded by the client. This is optional and the system will only pre-translate texts not otherwise pre-translated from translation memories. See option above.
- Document Format Profile - The document format profile specifies exactly how text is to be extracted from uploaded files. If the selected profile contains multiple options for a file type, the client will be able to choose the right option on a per file basis.
- Uploaded Files Limitations - This option may be used to limit the number of files which can be submitted in a single order. Additionally, you have the option to place a maximum file size limit when needed (expressed in mega bytes).
- Accept Any Type of Files - By default, the form will accept only the file types defined in the document format profile selected above. Formats not listed or enabled in the profile cannot be uploaded by the client. When this option is enabled, users are allowed to upload any kind of file, even those that are not supported by Wordbee or not included in the document format profile.
- Errors - Enabling this option ensures that the details of all possible errors are added to the internal comments of the order.
- Skip Costs & Counts Setup - Enabling this option removes the second step (Preview counts and cost) to make this process faster for the customer, as they do not have to wait for the counts and cost to be calculated. Instead, the customer receives an email with the order details once the process is completed.
Work Section
This section of options may be used to configure the initial order status for a submitted order and to configure the settings for automatic project creation upon form submission. The options include:
- Initial Order Status - Specifies the status of a newly created order in the system. If you do not need to validate incoming requests you might want to choose 'In progress'.
- Create Project - Additional options will be provided when this option is enabled. You will be able to configure the project workflow for each user option:
- What type of project will be created in the system.
- Set the initial project status.
- Define a project workflow
- Mark uploaded files for online translation.
- Create jobs.
- Start jobs (send proposals).
Costing Section
The costing options may be used to manage the invoice and cost configuration for the user option when it is selected on the order form. Options include:
- Create Invoice - The system is capable to automatically establishing a quotation or invoice for all files that could be successfully word counted within an order. You have the option to never create an invoice, to create an invoice if at least one file could be word counted, or to create an invoice if all files could be word counted.
- Incomplete Invoice - When an invoice is created, some service(s) or unitary cost details could be missing so that a cost estimation cannot be established entirely or at all. If you tick this option, then an invoice will be created even if it is incomplete. You can then manually fill in the missing blanks.
- Show Cost Details - Enable this option to see the client cost details when confirming the first step of the order process and prior to confirming the order. If disabled and the form has been configured to create an invoice, then the invoice will be hidden from the client as well. This permits to later manually validate the invoice prior to making it accessible to the client.
- Price List - Choose a pricelist to be used for cost calculation.
- Services - These are the services that will be used for cost calculation. Simply select the work types and specify an optional product code. The product code is used to pick up the right service from the pricelist. If no product code is set, then the system will pick the first service that matches the languages.
Order Settings Tab
The Order Settings Tab provides options for configuring order details such as the deadline and domain information. It includes these configuration options:
- Reference - Choose whether the client is required or not to provide a reference and configure the field to be visible or non-visible. A help message may be provided if desired.
- Deadline - The deadline of the order is the latest date when work related to the order must be completed. You may set this option to be required or not required on the order form, make it visible to or hidden from the client, and add a help message. Additionally, you may configure:
- Minimum Lead Time - Specify the earliest deadline in terms of hours from "now" that a client can select within the order form.
- Default Hour - By default, the deadline time part is preset to 12 AM, but you can change that to set it a different hour such as 6 AM.
- Configure a Delivery Time - Typically a deadline should match your work hours. For example, you may specify here that a deadline must be between 10am and 6pm.
- Domains - The domains settings may be used to configure the domains that will be displayed to the client and pre-selected on the order form when that specific user option is chosen. These settings may be configured:
- Help Message - Provides additional information to the client when clicking on the tooltip icon
- Existing Domains - Configure existing domains that will be displayed as selection options to the client on the order form for the user option.
- Preselected - Configure any domains and/or subdomains that should be automatically selected in the order form.
- Help Message - Provides additional information to the client when clicking on the tooltip icon
- Source Languages - The source languages settings may be used to configure if language selection is a requirement for the client, to provide a help message, and to configure available or default language selections on the order form.
- Help Message - Provides additional information to the client when clicking on the tooltip icon
- Languages - Configure the source languages that will be displayed as selection options to the client on the order form for the user option.
- Preselected - Configure any source languages that should be automatically selected in the order form.
- Help Message - Provides additional information to the client when clicking on the tooltip icon
- Target Languages - The target languages settings may be used to configure if language selection is a requirement for the client, to provide a help message, and to configure available or default language selections on the order form. As part of this configuration, you may add a help message, configure specific languages to appear on the form, and preselect languages for automatic selection on the form.
- Help Message - Provides additional information to the client when clicking on the tooltip icon
- Languages - Configure the target languages that will be displayed as selection options to the client on the order form for the user option.
- Preselected - Configure any target languages that should be automatically selected in the order form.
- Help Message - Provides additional information to the client when clicking on the tooltip icon
- Uploading Files - This option may be used to configure whether or not the user is required to upload files as part of the submitted request. If unticked (disabled), a user can submit requests without uploading any files. This is not recommended.
- Uploading Reference Material - This option may be used to configure whether or not the user is required to upload reference materials as part of the submitted request. If enabled, a separate upload option for reference material is added to the order form when the user option is selected. Those files will be stored in a dedicated folder inside the order library.
- Instructions - A text box may be provided to let a client fill in additional instructions or comments about the order on the form. If enabled, an additional field for adding comments will reside on the order form.
Order Settings for Managers Tab
The Order Settings for Managers Tab may be used to configure options for instances where an in-house manager creates the order on behalf of the client. In these situations the additional fields will appear on the order form, but are not visible to the client.
- Received Date - The reception date is the the date when the order has been submitted. By default it is set to the current date and time. It may be configured to be a required or non-required field and may be shown to or hidden from the client based on this selection. A help message may also be added for this option.
- Internal Comments - Determines whether or not the manager can view and fill in internal comments.
- Manager - These settings may be used to configure the person in charge of handling the orders when this option is selected. The selected manager will be the default manager for all new orders for the user option. The person will show up as the contact person for the order. This information may be required or not required and can be hidden when needed.
Project Settings Tab
The Project Settings Tab will only be present if you have configured for a new project to be created when the option is selected on the order form. It contains options for including instructions, internal comments, deadline information, the reception date, and other information that is essential to the project being created.
- Instructions - Enter detailed instructions for the project or use the {{OrderInstructions}} placeholder to preset this field to contain instructions entered by the client on the order form.
- Internal Comments - Enter internal comments to appear in the project or use the {{OrderComments}} placeholder to preset this field to contain internal comments from the order form.
- Deadline - Set the project deadline to be the same date entered on the order form. You may also push this date out by minutes and/or days.
- Reception Date - Set the project reception date to be the same date the form was submitted. You may also push this date out by minutes and/or days.
- Manager - When creating a project, you have the option to use the same manager that was assigned to the order as the project manager or may define a different manager to be in charge of the project with this configuration option.
- Reference - Use the {{Order Reference}} placeholder to copy the reference number entered by the client on the form to the project for each submitted order when the user option is chosen.