Create project
Use this method to create new projects.
We recommend that you create projects as copies from reference projects. For example, you might want to start by manually creating a project "My typical project". You would set client, attach memories, set word count profiles and domains, etc. When you use the API to create a new project, you would set parameter "templateprojectid" to "My typical project". The new project is then neatly preset.
(POST) projects
token | The token obtained on connection | Required |
projecttype | The project type to create. See ApiProject for available values. Codyt=1, Standard=0 | Required |
sourcelocale | The source language of project. NOTE:
| Required |
targetlocales | A comma separated list of target languages for project. NOTE:
| Required |
templateprojectid | To create a project as a copy of an existing project, fill in the existing project's ID. It is highly recommended to create project's this way as it copies all properties automatically: Project manager, attached memories and termbases, word count profile, domains, client, custom fields and labels and more. This operation behaves much the same as when you create a project from a template in the Wordbee user interface. Special notes: Only those memories and termbases are copies from the reference project which are compatible with the languages of the new project.Optionally use the properties below to "override" fields from the reference project. | Optional |
managerpersonid | Optional: Id of person who will manage the project. Must be an internal user. See Inhouse staff to enumerate the user ids. | Optional |
clientcompanyid | Optional: If the project is for a specific client give the client company Id. If no value is given the client company id will be your company id. See External companies to enumerate clients. | Optional |
comments | Internal comments for project. | Optional |
instructions | Instructions for project. | Optional |
pricelistid | If you want to specify a pricelist for the project enter the pricelistid in this parameter. See chapter Master company price lists to enumerate client price lists. | Optional |
reference | Reference for project. If no reference is given, a default reference will be generated | Optional |
status | Status for the project. See ApiProject for status values. | Optional |
tasks | Only for standard projects! A comma separated list of task codes (TR for translation, RV for revision, etc). See Task categories for the list of available codes. | Optional |
domains | A comma separated list of domains. See Translation domains for available domains. | Optional |
receiveddate | The date when this project was received. | Optional |
deadline | Deadline. | Optional |
parserprofileid | The id of the document format profile to use with this project. In Wordbee the document format profiles can be configured from the "Settings" menu. See Document format profiles for loading the list of all profiles and obtaining the profile ids.Set 0 to reset to null (remove profile from project). | Optional |
customfields | A json array containing a list of custom field ids and values. See below for details. Example: [ { "Id": "CustomStr1", "Value": "My field" }, { "Id": "CustomStr5", "Value": "A-2233" } ] | Optional |
JSON format of parameter "customfields"
Id | The custom string id such as 'CustomStr1', 'CustomStr2', etc. Use method settings/customfields to obtain all available ids. | Required |
Value | The value (string) of the custom field | Required |
It returns the id of the created project:
<int xmlns="">100</int>
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