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After you have Added a New Order Form and finished Entering the Basic Information, you are ready to begin creating and configuring the options that will be provided to clients for selection on the form.

Options can be anything that pertains to an order such as selecting the type of document (i.e. brochure, catalogue, flyer, etc.), the type of work being ordered (i.e. translation, revision, proofreading, etc.), type of product, or any other set of options that pertain to what the client is able to order in regards to services.

Initially, the user options section will appear as shown below: 

The purpose of user option configuration is to ensure that when the client fills out the form and submits an order, everything is automated to make this process easier including: 

  • Word Counting
  • Resource Assignment
  • Project Creation
  • Invoice Creation
  • Manager Assignment
  • Workflow, etc... 

For example, when configured appropriately, the client is able to submit a request for translation, which will arrive on the system where a project and workflow is automatically created. Additionally, uploaded documents are automatically word counted based on chosen profile information and the cost is calculated. This saves a great deal of time for both the client and your staff.

Once an option has been configured, the next option will essentially be a copy of the first. For additonal options, you only need to change certain configuration items such as the workflow, resource group, manager etc.


The following pages have been provided to aid in creating and configuring user options for your new order form: 


Getting Started

An option is readily available for configuration and may be used to get started. Once you enter a name for the option, it will appear on the tab currently titled New Option, as shown below: 

If you want to add another option, click on Add Option to the right of User Options. Please note that adding a new option will be better after you have completed the configuration for the first, as the first option's configuration will be used to create the next option.

The will create a new tab for the option, which will be titled New Option. You may then enter a name for the option such as Translation + Revision.

Once more than one option has been added to the form, you will also have the ability to change its position and remove it when needed: 

Basic Information

The first step for creating a user option is to configure it's basic information. This includes entering a Name, Description, and Help Message.

The Name will appear in the tab within the User Option configuration and is what will be displayed to the client on the form. In the example below, the first user option to be configured on the order form is an option for ordering Translation Services.

After a name has been entered, you have the choice to provide a description of the option to the client. This is optional, but may be helpful to the client in choosing the right option on the form. The Description resides directly below the name of the option on the form and may be marked as HTML code when applicable.

To enter a description, click on the text field to the right of this option and then type the desired text.

The last basic configuration for an option is an optional Help Message. In general, you want to use a shorter message for the description and provide more details within the help message. However, please remember that the help message will only appear if the Show Help in Tooltips option has been enabled within the basic form configuration.

For more information, please see the Entering Basic Information page.

Please note that if you enter a custom description and help message on the option, this information may need to be changed for additional user options created on the form.


For example, the text above may be too much to appear below the option on the form, so instead you might want to enter something basic for the option description such as "Select if you only require translation services." and then the Help Message could contain a more detailed description. Additionally, you may tick the checkbox next to Text above is HTML code if it is applicable.

The Help Message will appear in a tooltip box after clicking on the Question Mark to the right of the option name in the form. It will appear similar to what is shown below: 

General Settings

The General Settigs Tab is where you will configure the word count profiles, resource groups, workflows, and invoicing information for the user option.


Within the Settings section, you have the ability to choose a Word Count Profile for counting the number of words per file and determining what will not be or is included within the word count. If no profile is chosen, then a Default profile will be used.

To choose a specific word count profile for the client for the option, click on the drop-down menu and make a selection. If you cannot find the right profile or one has not been created, click on View Profiles to see current word count profiles in the system. In this example, the Acme Word Count Profile has been chosen.

Additionally, you may choose a Resource Group to be used for this option. A resource group can include memories and term bases from previous translations. These are then assigned as resources for this new project/order by the client and used for the new translation. By default, no resource group is selected for the option.

To assign a Resource Group, click on the drop-down menu and choose the appropriate resource group for the client. If you need to view the current groups within the system, click on View Groups. In this example, Acme Resources has been selected. 

Besides choosing a word count profile and resource group, you also have the option to configure a Machine Translation System (i.e. Microsoft, Google, etc.) for the user option. This is the system that will be used to pre-translate uploaded documents.

First the system will use the translation memories to pre-translate texts and then the Machine Translation System will be used to pre-translation any texts that were not translatable via translation memory. By default, no Machine Translation System is selected for the user option.

At leaste one Machine Translation System must be configured to be see selection options in this drop-down menu. To learn more about configuring this information, please see the Machine Translation Systems Settings section of the documentation.

To make a selection, click on the drop-down menu and choose the Machine Translation System you want to use for this specific user option. If you need to view, configure, or make changes to this information, click on View Systems to the right of the menu.

The next available option to configure in the Settings section is the Document Format Profile. This is the profile that informs the system of how text will be extracted from the uploaded file(s) for translation for specific document formats.

A document format profile may contain multiple format such as Word, XML, PDF, etc. and text extraction rules may be defined for each.The client will be able to choose what file type applies to each uploaded file when multiple file types are present in the profile. If none is selected, then the system will use a Default Profile

A good example of how this works, is you may configure a Word Document Format Profile to exclude red text from the translation. This means that any red text will not be extracted from the uploaded file(s) when this specific profile has been selected in the configuration. 

To make a selection, click on the drop-down menu and choose the Document Format Profile to be used for the option. In this example, the Word Profile has been selected and only contains this specific format. 

If you have not configured a profile in the system or need to make changes, click on View Profiles to view this information.


Next, an option is provided for limiting the size of files that may be uploaded for a client order. The default setting for this option is 500 MB per file and is the maximum allowed file size. The default number of files that may be uploaded for an order is 10. These values may be changed within the Uploaded Files Limitations setting.

To change this information simply click on the field and type the desired value or use the increment/decrement arrows to the right of the value to change it by one. For example, if you want to limit the file size to 200 MB and only allow the client to upload up to 5 files, this setting would appear as shown below: 

These additional settings reside within the Settings section and can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the checkbox next to the setting's description:

  • Accept Any Type of Files - Sometimes the client will need to upload a file that is not handled by Wordbee, but imperative to the order. For example this might be a reference material or other item that does not need to be translated, but is necessary to understand or complete the order. In these situations, this option should be ticked. 

  • Errors - Not Visible to the Client. This particular configuration setting informs the system to show error details in the internal comments field on the order. If it is not enabled, then there will be description when an error has occured. By enabling it, the internal managers, etc. are able to see what went wrong and correct the problem easier.

  • Skip Counts & Costs Step - This is an important option as what is chosen here will affect later configuration settings in the Costing section on the General Settings Tab. If this option is enabled, then the client will not be shown a preview of the costs and the word count process will be skipped. This might be necessary in situations where you want to send a quote to the client after the order is submitted. When disabled, the client will be shown the costs before confirming the request. 

By deault, these settings are disabled (not ticked) in the form confiuration. If one or more of these settings have been enabled, the option configuration will appear as shown below: 


The Work section applies to the initial status of the order and whether or not a project should be created when the order is submitted by the client. Additionally, you may configure the type of project, it's status, the project workflow, and other items to further automate this process in the system for new orders.

The Initial Order Status setting will determine the status of the order when it is submitted and in most scenarios should be set to "In Progress". It is set to "Request" by default in the option configuration.

You have three status options to choose from for the order:

  • Request - The order has not yet been accepted. 

  • Proposal - Used when you want to send a quote that the client will accept and is generally used in instances where the Skip Counts & Cost Step setting has been enabled (see Settings section of this page). 

  • In Progress - Recommended for full automation where the project will automatically be created, etc.

To make a selection, click on the drop-down menu and choose the status you want to use when the client selects this option on the order form. In this example, "in progress" will be selected.

Next, you may configure whether or not a project will automatically be created when the order is submitted. By default, this option is not enabled, as shown below: 

To enable the option, tick the checkbox for the Create Project setting and additional configuration settings will appear below this option for selecting the project type, workflow, etc.

First, you must select the Project Type: Standard or Codyt and a Project Status: Preparing, Waiting, or In Progress.

A Standard Project will only create the project. All other configuration and setup will have to be handled manually after it has been created. If a standard project is created, the Project Status may be set to Preparing or In Progress, depending on your specific needs. In the example below, a standard project is created and the status has been set to "Preparing".

If the goal is to achieve complete automation, you will want to create a Codyt Project, as this selection will ensure complete automation based on the selected workflow, etc. If a Codyt project is created, you will need to set the Project Status to "In Progress". In this example, Codyt will be chosen:

Next, you may select a Project Workflow to be used for the chosen option on the order form. This is the tasks that will need to be performed and included as part of the created project for this option. 

To make a selection, click on the drop-down menu and choose the project workflow template you would like to use for this form option. If you need to view or make changes to a template, click on View Templates.

Three additional options are provided when a project is set to automatically be created: 

  • Mark Online - If enabled, uploaded files will instantly be marked for online translation.
  • Create Jobs - If enabled, jobs will be created for the new project based on the chosen Project Workflow. The job will automatically be sent to the appropriate translator. Please note that this does not mean they have accepted, started, or are working on the sent job.
  • Start Jobs - If enabled, created jobs will start automatically. <need better explanations for these options>

For example, you might want all uploaded files to be marked for online translation and for the jobs to be created without performing additional tasks. In this instance the jobs will be created, but not started. To do so, you would tick the checkbox next to the first two options, as shown below: 

An additional tab appears within the option configuration for the project settings when a project will automatically be created in the system. These settings will be covered later on this page in the Project Settings Tab section.


The Costing section is used to configured invoice creating, how to handle incomplete invoices, pricing, and additional settings for the submitted order.

For the Create Invoice setting, you have the option to: 

  • Never Create an Invoice - When chosen, an invoice will not be created for the submitted order when this option is chosen by the client. This choice should be selected when the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting has been enabled (see Settings).

  • Create an Invoice - An invoice will be created based on one of the following conditions:
    • When One File Can be Word Counted - This is the recommended setting when an invoice should be created, as an error would prevent invoice creation when the alternative setting is used.
    • When All Files Can be Word Counted - All files must be properly word counted in order for the invoice to be created. This can prevent the invoice from being created if a file cannot be word counted.

To make a selection, tick the radial next to the appropriate description. For this example, the invoice will be created when at least one uploaded file can be word counted. This selection has been made because the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting has been disabled (unticked).

The Incomplete Invoice setting may be used to ensure that an invoice is created even if one or more costs have not been defined in the pricelist. If this option is disabled (unticked), as it is by default, then a single undefined unitary cost will prevent invoice creation.

This setting is helpful in instances where say the costs are defined for French translations, but not for another translation such as German. Even though the costs are not defined for one type of translation, the invoice will be created with all possible cost values automatically filled in.

To enable this setting, tick the checkbox to the right of the it's name. When enabled, the setting will have a checkmark in the box with a blue background.

The Show Cost Details setting contains three options and your selection will be determined from additional settings for the new user option. For example, if you have enabled the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting, then the default choice of "Hide cost details from the client in the second step of the order process" will not work as the entire second step of the order process should be skipped.

However, you also have the choice of hiding the cost details without skipping the second step of the order process or simply showing the cost details to the client. Both options are applicable when the Skip Counts & Costs Step setting has been disabled (unticked).

If the cost detals are displayed, the client will see the word counts and all cost information. If they are hidden, this information will not be displayed during the second step of the ordering process. To change this setting, simply tick the radial for the desired selection to the right of the setting's name. In this example, we will be showing the cost details to the client.

Finally, you will need to select a Price List and configure Services for this option when chosen on the order form by a client. By default, the Standard Pricelist is chosen in the configuration.

However, you may have pre-defined price lists based on each client and this is where they should be selected. If you want to view current pricelists or need to create a new one, click on View Pricelists.

To select a Price List, click on the drop-down menu and make a selection. For this example, Acme Pricelist has been chosen: 

The Services setting One or more tasks may already exist for the depending on other selections you have made throughout the configuration. For example, this specific option already has a "Translation" Task.

To add another service, click on Add Services:

A popup window will appear where you may use the drop-down menu to select one or more Services and may enter a Product Code for each chosen service. 

When finished, click on OK and the chosen services and entered products codes will appear in the Services setting.

Since this option is for Translation Only, only a product code is needed (if required). However, let's say an option will be created for Translation + Revision, then you might want to add Revision to the list with a product code, as shown below: 

As you can see, the Translation Task now has a Product Code on the configuration. If additional tasks were added, they would appear on a seperate line below the first task with their own product code (if entered).

Congratulations! You have made it through the most detailed parts of the order form configuration. Next, you will need to configure the Order Details for the user option.

After the initial configuration of these settings, all configurations will be copied to further added options making it an easy and fast process to complete the rest of the user options for your order form.

Order Settings

The Order Settings Tab contains settings that pertain to the services/tasks the client is ordering in direct reference to this specific user option. This sections explains how to configure each option for the order when a client selects the option. 

Please note that each setting on this tab contains a Help Message setting, which may be used to add a custom message for the user to see when clicking on the Help Tool Tip (question). Additionally the text may be marked as HTML code when needed. In order for Help Messages to appear, the Show Help in Tooltips setting must be enabled (ticked) within the Basic Configuration.


The Reference setting determines whether or not a client is able to enter a reference number or name for the order on the form. By default, this setting is set to required and made visible on the form. You may untick this option if it is not a requirement and leave it visible as an entry option or simply untick both and it will not be visible to the client nor required. <need to verify> <cannot change on my end>

Additionally, text may be added to help the client know what this field is on the form, such as "Enter a Reference Number or Name for the Order".


The Deadline settings may be used to configure whether or not a deadline is required, visible to the client on the form, and for configuring a minimum lead time, default hour, and default delivery time. By default, a deadline is not required to sumbit the order, but is a visible item on the order form with a minimum lead time of 4 hours.

The Deadline may be a required entry, not required and visible to the client as optional, or simply hidden from the client altogether. To configure these selections, tick the checkbox next to each desired setting. Enabled settings will have a checkmark and blue background.

You may also enter a help message if desired to appear when the client clicks on the Tool Tip (question) icon next to the option on the form. In this example, the deadline is required and visible.

Next, the default Mininum Lead Time is set to 4 hours; however, this may also be changed in the configuration. For example, you might want to configure a larger completion window for the order such as 24 hours. To do so, click on the field and type the number 24 or use the increment/decrement arrows to alter the value by 1.

You may also configure a Default Hour and Delivery Time for the order if desired. For example, if a request or order is submitted at 7:00 PM (after hours), it might be good to set the Default Hour to 8:00 AM for the next day. 

To do this click on the Clock Icon and choose the appropriate time. 

The Delivery Time is typically the hours your office is option. For example, if you operate between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, then these are the times to enter in this setting. As with the Default Hour setting, click on the Clock Icon for each to set the appropriate time.


Next, you are able to configure the Domains that apply when the client chooses this option. This section must only be configured and visible if it is relevent. By default, the Domains are viewable on the form, but not required.

For example, if your company organizes resources by domain, then this section should be configured. However, if resources are organized by client, then it is not necessary and may be set to not visible and skipped.

If you do not organize resources by domain, you may untick the Visible option and this section will not appear on the form. 

Additionally, if Domains are used to organize resources, you may also tick the Required setting to ensure that the client chooses the appropriate domain(s) and/or subdomain(s) for the order. A Help Message may also be added to provide the client with additional information about this selection on the order form.

If Domains are used, you may also configure specific domains to appear for selection when the client when completing the order form. This can be done by using the drop-down menu for the Existing Domains setting. Click on each checkbox to make one or more selections.

If Domains are used, you may also configure certain domains to be automatically selected for the client when completing the order form. This can be done by using the drop-down menu for the Preselected setting. Click on each checkbox to make one or more selections.

You may select one or more domains and/or subdomains to appear as existing domain selections or as a preselected domain.


Source and Target Languages

A section is provided for configuring both Source and Target Languages on the form. For simplicity, the following screenshots will show the process for Source Language configuration as the steps are the same for configuring the Target Languages.

If this information is not required, but you want to give the client the option to still make selections, untick Required and leave Visible ticked. You may also untick both and the client will not see this information when completing the form. You may also enter a custom help message to provide additional information to the client. 

By default, source and target languages are required to submit the form and are visible to the client. If you do not configure any languages, the client will be presented with a list of every available language in the system. This portion of the configuration allows you to only select the source and target languages that pertain to the client completing the form and cuts down on entry time as well. 

To choose a specific language or set of languages for the source and target languages, click on the Language drop-down menu. Then tick the checkbox next to each applicable language in the list: 

You may also do the same to preselect languages for automatic selection in the form. The Preselected setting is helpful when the client always requests the same source and target languages for orders and will preven errors when submitting an order.

For example, if the client always requests that files consisting of English as the source language are translated, then this language could automatically be selected in the option configuration.

Uploading Files & Reference Materials

As part of the order details for the user option, you also have the ability to configure whether or not Uploading Files is required. By default, this option is required and viewable on the form. 

If it is required, then visible will be checked automatically. You may also enter a help message and mark the text as HTML code if needed.

If you want to make it a viewable but not a requirement or to hide it from view, click on the checkbox next to either option to enable or disable it. 

Additionally, you may require or give the option of Uploading Reference Material to the client. By default this information is not required or visible to the client on the order form when the option is chosen. To make it visible or required, tick the checkbox next to the appropriate option and add a help message and mark the text as HTML code if desired. 


Finally, an optional field is provided to the client to provide instructions about the order on the form. This field is visible to the client, but not required by default. You may make it a requirement or simply hide it from view by ticking the checkbox next to the appropriate options.

If you tick Required, then Visible will be automatically checked. You may also enter a custom help message to provide more details to the client. 

Order Settings for Managers

The Order Settings for Managers Tab contains settings for situations where the order form is used to place an order on the behalf of the client internally. These options and the provided information will only be seen by the assigned in-house manager.

Received Date

The Received Date is the date in which the order was submitted. It defaults to the current date/time and is not required but visible.

It may be hidden from view or you can make this a required item. When you tick Required, it is automatically visible. Additionally, a Help Message may be added to provide further information upon clicking on the tooltip icon.

Internal Comments

The Internal Comments setting determines whether or not the manager is able to fill in the internal comments. By default, it is visible, but the manager is not required to fill in this information.

It may be hidden from view or you can make this a required item. When you tick Required, it is automatically visible. Additionally, a Help Message may be added to provide further information upon clicking on the tooltip icon.


The Manager setting may be used to configure what individual will be in charge of handling the orders. This person will show up as the contact person for the order.

It may be hidden from view or you can make this a required item. When you tick Required, it is automatically visible. Additionally, a Help Message may be added to provide further information upon clicking on the tooltip icon.

You have the option to configure a specific manager for handling the order and being listed as the contact person, as shown in the example below. If no one is selected and this information is required, then this selection will need to be made on the order form internally (-?-).

Project Settings

The Project Settings Tab will only be present if you have checked the Create Project Setting for the option on the General Settings Tab. These settings are specifically for configuring the how project fields are preset on the form. Placeholders are provided to make this configuration easier and may be viewed by clicking on Placeholders in the text located above the Project Fields header.


To add instructions for the new project , click on the empty text field and type any desired set of instructions or use a Placeholder to automatically preset the field to contain the Order Instructions

Click on Placeholders at the top of this tab and then copy {{OrderInstructions}}.

Then paste this value into the text field for Instructions.


Internal Comments

The Internal Comments are viewable by the manager when enabled. You my type any desired text in this field to be seen by managers or other permitted users. 

Another option is to use a Placeholder to copy the order's internal comments into this field for the project. To do so, click on Placeholders at the top of the Project Settings Tab and then copy the {{OrderIntComments}} placeholder.

Then paste this into the text field for Internal Comments:



The Deadline should always be copied from the order form. To do so, tick the checkbox next to Copy from order form deadline.

When enabled, it will have a checkmark with a blue background as shown below. Additionally, you have the option to type or increment/decrement the values below this option to create a set difference in minutes and days from the order deadline. 

Reception Date

The Reception Date is the date in which the order was created. This may be copied from the form if desired, but is not a requirement.

To copy this date from the order form, tick the checkbox next to Copy from order reception date. When enabled, the setting will have a checkmark with a blue background, as shown below: 

You may also use the additional options to configure a difference in minutes and/or days from the form information by clicking on the increment/decrement arrows or typing and clicking a number value.


The Manager setting determines whether or not the project manager is the same as the assigned order manager. By default, this option is enabled in the option configuration. 

If you do not want them to be the same, untick this option and a drop-down menu will appear for selecting a manager to be the Project Manager.

Then simply choose an individual to be the Project Manager for the created project.


The Reference field is the same information as found on the order form by the client for the Reference option. This can be automatically filled in by using a placeholder for the value in this project field. 

Click on Placeholders at the top of the Project Settings Tab.

Then copy the {{OrderReference}} placeholder, as shown below:

Copy it into the Reference text field:

An additional placeholder is provided for use in any section and is titled {{OrderRequester}}. This may be placed in the InstructionsInternal Comments, or even as part of the Reference information. 

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