Represents work progress in a specific language of a revision set.
<RevisionSetLocale> <RevisionSetId>2147483647</RevisionSetId> <Locale>String content</Locale> <LocalePrimary>String content</LocalePrimary> <Status_>255</Status_> <OpenTasks>32767</OpenTasks> <LastMessageDate>1999-05-31T11:20:00</LastMessageDate> <LastMessagePersonId>2147483647</LastMessagePersonId> </RevisionSetLocale>
RevisionSetId | Identifies a specific version of a source document and all its translations. |
Locale | The language. This can be the source or a target language. |
LocalePrimary | The language part of the Locale. |
Status | The work progress for this language:/// <summary>/// If not Finished then:/// At least one task is in progress/// COLOR = BLUE/// </summary>InProgress = 0,/// <summary>/// Means that the workflow does not need to go further./// All tasks are Completed or Cancelled. At least one is Completed./// COLOR = GREEN/// </summary>Finished = 1,/// <summary>/// Workflow is not yet kicked off./// - Some tasks are Not Started/// - Some tasks are On Hold/// COLOR = ORANGE/// </summary>Waiting = 2,/// <summary>/// Workflow is in on hold position and can't proceed. Or all tasks are cancelled./// Condition: all must be true:/// - LocaleStatus != Finished/// - LocaleStatus != Waiting/// - LocaleStatus != Waiting/// COLOR = RED/// </summary>Blocked = 3, |
OpenTasks | The number of tasks for this language which are neither Completed not Cancelled. |
LastMessageDate | The date of the last message from this work. |