This object represents an order.
<ApiOrder> <OrderId>2147483647</OrderId> <Reference>String content</Reference> <ReceivedDate>1999-05-31T11:20:00</ReceivedDate> <DeadLine>1999-05-31T11:20:00</DeadLine> <Status_>255</Status_> <IsKnowClient>true</IsKnowClient> <CompanyId>2147483647</CompanyId> <PersonId>2147483647</PersonId> <CompanyName>String content</CompanyName> <PersonName>String content</PersonName> <InternalComments>String content</InternalComments> <ProjectId>2147483647</ProjectId> <OnlineUrl>String content</OnlineUrl> </ApiOrder>
OrderId | The unique order id. |
Reference | The order reference as set by the client or you. |
ReceivedDate | Date when the order was received/submitted. |
Deadline | Order deadline |
Status_ | The status of the order. This numeric value can be: //// <summary> /// A newly submitted order /// </summary> RequestSent = 0, /// <summary> /// The order has been validated and costs calculated. /// The order is now at the client for confirmation. /// </summary> Proposal = 1, /// <summary> /// The client confirmed the order and cost proposal. /// </summary> Confirmed = 2, /// <summary> /// The work related to the order is completed. /// </summary> Done = 3, /// <summary> /// The order is cancelled. /// </summary> Cancelled = 10 |
IsKnownClient | Boolean. Indicates whether the client who submitted the order exists as a record in your Wordbee Translator (i.e. was logged in) or whether the client submitted the order without logging in to your Wordbee Translator. In the latter case, the Wordbee user will later create a new client record or link the order to an existing client. |
CompanyId | The unique company id of the client. If not set, then the client in not known in the database (see property IsKnownClient above). |
PersonId | The user who submitted the order. If not set, thhen the order was not submitted by a logged in client. |
CompanyName | Client company name |
PersonName | Client person/contact name |
InternalComments | Internal comments on the order. Not visible to client. |
ProjectId | If set then this is the project that was linked to the order by the manager. |
OnlineUrl | Url to access the order details page from a web browser. |
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