To fill your company's profile, follow these steps:
- Click on the arrow at the right of My Company on the menu bar and click on Summary. You can also open this page by clicking directly on My Company.
- Click on Edit.
- Fill in all the fields.
- Select a default price list (if you have one) and a VAT percentage.
- Click on Save.
The VAT rate is used when no rate is known for a client or a supplier. Clients' and suppliers' VAT rates prevail over this value. If this rate is zero and so is a client's or supplier's VAT, the invoice does not calculate VAT.
You also have the following buttons and tabs available on this page:
- Manage Logins - Opens the People & Logins page. Click to display the People & Logins page on which you can change login details for your company (see: People & Logins See page 215 for a description).
- Projects - Click on this link to see all the projects in which your company has been involved.
- Jobs - Click on this link to open the [ Jobs main page. See page 15 ]
- Email Address - Informative. Click on the email address to send a message to your company.
- View/hide agenda - Click on this icon to show/hide the company's agenda (see:The Calendar (Agenda) panel See page 51).
- Locate company on a world map. Click on this icon to open a window with a map showing you the geographical location of the company.