API - Get translated content
Once you know that a file was translated, you can download it from the Beebox. This operation is equivalent to retrieving the file from the project "OUT\{target locale}" directory.
(GET) /api/files/file?token=&locale=&filename=&folder=
Parameters are:
token | The session token obtained when connecting. |
locale | The target language. This must be one of the project target languages. Language codes are ISO 2 letter codes such as “en”, “fr”, “en-GB”, “en-US”, etc. |
filename | The relative path of the original file.
Note the use of backslash separators as it is common on Windows systems. |
folder | The filename can also include folders, or folder directory can be passed by this param |
The file will be retrieved from the project output directory. Example: If you translated “folder1\myfile.xml”, the Spanish translation will be saved to “c:\beebox\{project id}\out\es\folder1\myfile.xml” and retrieved from there.
The method returns the translated file as a binary stream.
If the file does not exist, the method returns an HTTP error status and error details. See HTTP status values.
This is how files are stored internally in the Beebox. In the example below the Beebox translated original file "pages\page1.html" into Spanish and French.
c:\Beebox\{project key} \in \pages\page1.html \out \es \pages\page1.html \fr \pages\page1.html
The c:\Beebox root directory may be different in your setup.
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