API - Delete translated content
This method lets you delete source files, instructions files and translated files from the IN, OUT and sandbox directories.
(DELETE) /api/files/file?token=&locale=&folder=&filename=
Please note that this is an HTTP DELETE action.
Parameters are:
token | The session token obtained when connecting. |
locale | Either the source language code, a target language code or "sandbox" to delete sandbox files (used to obtain cost quotations). Language codes are ISO 2 letter codes such as “en”, “fr”, “en-GB”, “en-US”, etc. Can be nullable |
filename | The relative path of the file including sub-directories.
Note the use of backslash separators as it is common on Windows systems. Can be nullable |
folder | Folder name (also it can be specified in filename) Can be nullable |
The method returns no result. An HTTP status of 204 indicates success.
If the file does not exist, the method returns HTTP 400.
See HTTP status values for error handling.
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