The XLIFF File Has An Invalid Source Language.

The XLIFF File Has An Invalid Source Language.

XLIFF files used for translation must follow specific file format and context rules in order for the translation to occur (see XLIFF Files).

One of these rules is: The source locale of the XLIFF file must match with the one of the context. 

For example, if the source language is set to English, then it cannot be marked for online translation in projects where the source lanaguage is German.

Received Error

If the source lanaguage is different than what is defined in the project, order form, etc., the following error message will be received and the translation will fail:  

"The xliff source language 'en' is invalid. It must be 'de'.”

The provided error message will be similar to the one above; however, the source lanaguage displayed in the message will vary as it is based on the file's source language and the source language currently defined in the project used for translation.


When you send a file to Wordbee Translator, you send it in a place where a source language is defined (i.e. project, etc.). The XLIFF source language must match with the defined source language where you are sending your file.

If you have a project with the language ‘de’ (German) as source, and you want to send the following file, the operation will fail. This is because the source language within the file is set to 'en' (English). The system will not accept it, as the source defined in the XLIFF file is different from the one defined in the project.

Source Language Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.0">
     <file target-language="fr" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="messages2" date="2011-10-18T18:20:51Z" product-name="my-ext">
                     <trans-unit id="headerComment" xml:space="preserve">
                             <source>The default Header Comment.</source>
                     <trans-unit id="generator" xml:space="preserve">
                             <source>The "Generator" Meta Tag.</source>

Fixing the Problem

There are two ways to fix this problem and ensure that the XLIFF file can be translated, either:

  1. Change the source language within the XLIFF file to match the context of the project, order form, etc.
  2. Change the context of the project to match the source language defined in the XLIFF File.

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