General Settings Tab

General Settings Tab

The General Settings Tab provides options for configuring basic settings such as the word count profile, machine translation system to be used, document format profile, initial order status, etc. It is broken into three sections: 

Settings Section

The Settings options may be used to configure basic form information such as the default word count profile, resource group, machine translation system, etc that will be displayed to the client or used for the submitted order form.

  • Word Count Profile - Select the word count profile to count words of files uploaded by the client.

  • Resource GroupIf defined and a project will be created, all the memories from the memory group selected here will be used for word counts and pre-translation. The memories and term bases of the profile will also added to the project resource list (if a project is created upon submission of order).

  • Machine TranslationThe machine translation system to use for pre-translation of files uploaded by the client. This is optional and the system will only pre-translate texts not otherwise pre-translated from translation memories. See option above.

  • Document Format ProfileThe document format profile specifies exactly how text is to be extracted from uploaded files. If the selected profile contains multiple options for a file type, the client will be able to choose the right option on a per file basis. 

  • Uploaded Files LimitationsThis option may be used to limit the number of files which can be submitted in a single order. Additionally, you have the option to place a maximum file size limit when needed (expressed in mega bytes).

  • Accept Any Type of FilesBy default, the form will accept only the file types defined in the document format profile selected above. Formats not listed or enabled in the profile cannot be uploaded by the client. When this option is enabled, users are allowed to upload any kind of file, even those that are not supported by Wordbee or not included in the document format profile. 

  • ErrorsEnabling this option ensures that the details of all possible errors are added to the internal comments of the order.

  • Skip Costs & Counts Setup - Enabling this option removes the second step (Preview counts and cost) to make this process faster for the customer, as they do not have to wait for the counts and cost to be calculated. Instead, the customer receives an email with the order details once the process is completed.

Work Section 

This section of options may be used to configure the initial order status for a submitted order and to configure the settings for automatic project creation upon form submission. The options include: 

  • Initial Order Status - Specifies the status of a newly created order in the system. If you do not need to validate incoming requests you might want to choose 'In progress'.

  • Create Project - Additional options will be provided when this option is enabled. You will be able to configure the project workflow for each user option: 

    1. What type of project will be created in the system.  
    2. Set the initial project status.
    3. Define a project workflow
    4. Mark uploaded files for online translation.
    5. Create jobs.
    6. Start jobs (send proposals)

If you decide to validate the order request before launching the project, you may want to:

  • keep the status of order and project to a standby value (Proposal/Request and Waiting/Preparing). This will allow you to verify the files submitted by your client or even further negotiate the costs for his request. You can further analyse the feasibility project based on the desired delivery (if available) or even contact your client back for further details which could help your team organise the linguistic project. All these actions can take place directly in the patform, as explained in the section managing translation orders.
  • Mark the files for online translation and create the jobs, but not send the proposals right away. If you leave the option "Tick if any created jobs shall be started immediately" you will have time to verify the files in the CAT Editor and even leave additional comments to the suppliers before making the job proposals public.

This will allow you to register the order, check and analyse the files upon reception, check the availability of your suppliers or even contact the client in case further discussions need to take place to reach an agreement and kick off the project. Only when you pass order and project to status "In progress" the work will be officially launched.

Costing Section 

The costing options may be used to manage the invoice and cost configuration for the user option when it is selected on the order form. Options include:

  • Create Invoice - The system is capable to automatically establishing a quotation or invoice for all files that could be successfully word counted within an order. You have the option to never create an invoice, to create an invoice if at least one file could be word counted, or to create an invoice if all files could be word counted.

  • Incomplete Invoice When an invoice is created, some service(s) or unitary cost details could be missing so that a cost estimation cannot be established entirely or at all. If you tick this option, then an invoice will be created even if it is incomplete. You can then manually fill in the missing blanks.

  • Show Cost Details Enable this option to see the client cost details when confirming the first step of the order process and prior to confirming the order. If disabled and the form has been configured to create an invoice, then the invoice will be hidden from the client as well. This permits to later manually validate the invoice prior to making it accessible to the client.

  • Price List - Choose a pricelist to be used for cost calculation.

  • Services These are the services that will be used for cost calculation. Simply select the work types and specify an optional product code.  The product code is used to pick up the right service from the pricelist. If no product code is set, then the system will pick the first service that matches the languages. 

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