Update project word counts setting
This method update the word count configuration of the project. The project id and word count configuration id is required in order to make the update.Give a list of 5 intervals for fuzzy match configuration. Intervals should be given from highest to smallest.
(PUT) projects/{projectid}/wordcounts/{wordcountid}/settings
Token | The token obtained on connection | Required |
Projected | The project identifier. | Required |
Wordcountid | The word count identifier. | Required |
Fuzzyboundaries | Optional: List of fuzzy boundries. The values are separated by a ','.Min value is 50 and max is 100. To reset the value give a empty string. Example: "fuzzyboundaries=99,85,74" | Optional |
Pretranslation | Pre-translate new texts equal or more similar than the percentage given. Value must be between 95 and 100. To reset the value give a empty string. | Optional |
inprojectmatching | Optional: If set to true find repetitions within project and use any translated texts within project for pre-translation. | Optional |
inProjectPretranslation | Optional: If set to true project memory is used for pretranslation. Otherwise project memory is used only to count repetition. Note that the option is ignored if "inprojectmatching" is false | Optional |
doNotInvoiceLocked | Optional: If set to true, locked segments will be counted as not translatable, and therefore, will not be invoiced. | Optional |
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