Use this method to update properties of an existing user. It is also used to disable a login, to change the password or to activate a login.
(POST) companies/{companyid}/persons
token | The token obtained on connection | Required |
companyid | The company id of the person to modify | Required |
data | A json containing the person information (see below) | Required |
JSON format of "data" parameter
PersonId | The person id of the person to update | Required |
LastName | The last name of the person | Optional |
FirstName | The first name of the person | Optional |
The email address of the person. This must be a valid email address or the API will return an error. | Optional | |
Login | The login to connect. Use for example "John.Hollow" or "mylogin123". The minimum length of logins is 8 characters. | Optional |
Password | The password to connect. The password must comply with the password policy settings (see "Settings" > "Advanced security" in Wordbee Translator. | Optional |
UserProfileId | The profile id of the person. See API call to enumerate profiles. Note that you cannot create a person with the Administrator profile and that you cannot delete the Administrator. | Optional |
IsActive | Activate or deactivate account. An inactive account cannot login. Boolean value. To activate a person you need to specify login, password and profile id as well. Default value if not set: false | Optional |
PersonCode | The person code. Default value: If not set, then preset with the first letter of the first name and the first letter of the last name. | Optional |
Title | The person title | Optional |
Role | The person role | Optional |
Phone | The person phone number | Optional |
PhoneMobile | The person mobile phone number | Optional |
Comments | Internal comments on person | Optional |
Labels | Set a label: "labels": [ { "id": 10, "value": 1 }, … ] Clear a label: "labels": [ { "id": 10, "value": null }, … ] See chapter Custom labels to get the list of labels. | Optional |
Just set the fields that you want to update in the JSON.
If you want to create a login for this person, Login, Password and UserProfileId must all be set.
To remove the login, just set Login, Password or UserProfileId to null.
License checks: When enabling an account, the system verifies that a user account license is still available. If this is not the case, the API returns an HTTP error code.
Here is a sample to simply enable a login. Json data parameter:
You can easily deactivate the person if you set IsActive to false.
Here is a sample to set a login to a person. Json data parameter:
Here is a sample to remove a login from a person. Json data parameter:
No result. In case of invalid parameters an HTTP error code is returned.
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