

This method lets you add users, with or without login, to a client, a supplier or inhouse staff. In order to create an in-house user, specify the platform company id.


(PUT) companies/{companyid}/persons



The token obtained on connection



The company id of the person to add



A json containing the person information (see below)



JSON format of "data" parameter


LastNameThe last name of the personRequired
FirstNameThe first name of the personRequired
EmailThe email address of the person. This must be a valid email address or the API will return an error.Required
LoginThe login to connect. Use for example "John.Hollow" or "mylogin123". The minimum length of logins is 8 characters.Optional
PasswordThe password to connect. The password must comply with the password policy settings (see "Settings" > "Advanced security" in Wordbee Translator.Optional
UserProfileIdThe profile id of the person. See API call to enumerate profiles. Note that you cannot create a person with the Administrator profile and that you cannot delete the Administrator.Optional

Activate or deactivate account. An inactive account cannot login. Boolean value. To activate a person you need to specify login, password and profile id as well.

Default value if not set: false

PersonCodeThe person code. Default value: If not set, then preset with the first letter of the first name and the first letter of the last name.Optional
TitleThe person titleOptional
RoleThe person roleOptional
PhoneThe person phone numberOptional
PhoneMobileThe person mobile phone numberOptional
CommentsInternal comments on personOptional

Set a label: "labels": [ { "id": 10, "value": 1 }, … ]

Clear a label: "labels": [ { "id": 10, "value": null }, … ]

See chapter Custom labels to get the list of labels.



Just set the fields that you want to give a value in the JSON.

If you want to create a login for this person, Login, Password and UserProfileId must all be set.

You can get a list of the profiles using the following api call: master/persons/profiles?token={tokenid}


License checks: When enabling an account, the system verifies that a user account license is still available. If this is not the case, the API returns an HTTP error code.


Here is a sample to create a person with a login (enabled). Json data parameter:











Create a person without a login. Json data parameter:








The id of the created person. In case of invalid parameters an HTTP error code is returned.

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