Memory Translate Action
This action permits to pretranslate texts from memories.
The action is configured as follows:
type | "MemoryTranslate" | string, Mandatory |
localeFrom | The language of the text to find memory hits for. This is typically the source language of the segments. | string, Mandatory |
localeTo | The language into which we will write the memory translations. This is typically the target language of the segments. | string, Mandatory |
similarity | Optional, default is 100. The memory search similarity threshold. A value between 50 and 100 (100% = identical matches only). | int, Optional |
ifTargetNotEmpty | Optional, default is true.
| bool, Optional |
documentSetIds | An array of resource IDs. These are the resources we will scan for hits. | int[], Mandatory |
ignoreCase | Optional, default is false. True: Ignore case when finding text pattern. False: Do not ignore lower/uppercase differences. | bool, Optional |
tmhits | Not yet released. Optional. Specifies how top hits are selected and further permits to apply filters on various properties such as status, bookmarks, context, change date and so on. "tmhits": { "filter": [ { "field": "st", "values": [ 1 ] }, { "field": "bk", "values": [ 1, 2 ] } ], "ctxboost": null } Read details here: | Optional, object? |
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