This method returns an in-depth word count report. Whereas the regular word count details shows summary information only, this method produces are very detailed report:
- Counts of texts leveraged per each resource attached to the project
- Counts of texts leveraged from the document itself (such as repetitions within document)
- Counts of texts leveraged from the project memory (cross-leveraging)
Note: The method only works with word counts calculated since the release of this method.
(GET) /api/projects/{pid}/wordcounts/{did}/{tloc}/report
The URL parameters are:
pid | The project id | int, Required |
did | The document id. | int, Required |
trg | The target locale of the word count. | string, Required |
Returns a JSON object with the word count details for the document and language.
dt | Date when the word count was calculated | datetime |
info | Information about the project and document. | object |
info.type | Always "document". It means that this report contains word count details for a single document. | string | | The project id | int |
info.preference | The project reference | string |
info.did | The document id | int |
info.dname | The document name | string |
info.src, info.srct | The document source locale and locale name. | string |
info.trg, info.trgt | The target locale of the word count and locale name. | string |
general | Report with full details. Each line corresponds to a category of word count (pre-translation, no match, excluded, 110% repetition, etc.). The report consists of 1 or more lines. These are organized in a hierarchy using the "level" property. The first line (level 0) includes the total words, characters and segments. Subsequent lines (level 1) then show word counts by leveraging category. Example:
These counts may then be categorized such as to show how many words are leveraged from individual resources. | object[] |
resources | Report showing pre-translations and matches only, split by resource leveraged: Leveraged from document, from project memory or attached resource. The report then shows, per resource, how many segments were leveraged with or without translation. |
Each element of lines, has these properties:
level | The "indentation" of this report line. For example level 2 is a child of the preceding level 1 line. | datetime |
title | A title such as "110% pre-translations". | string |
s | Total segments | int |
w | Total words | int |
c | Total characters | int |
s-p | Percentage of segments with respect to the parent category(the preceding line with level - 1). A value between 0 and 100. | decimal |
w-p | Percentage of characters with respect to the parent category. | decimal |
c-p | Percentage of characters with respect to the parent category. | decimal |
key | A constant describing the type of content in this line. For example "trans-110" refers to pre-translations at 110%. Useful if you want to further process the report. | string |
show | An indicator for display purposes. True: We show this line on-screen by default. False: The line can be collapsed by default. | bool |
dsid | If the line refers to leveraging from a specific resource, then this property contains the resource id. | int? |
The following shows an example of a report.
{ "info": { "type": "document", "did": 8806, "dname": "sample document.html", "pid": 2275, "preference": "Project 2000", "src": "en", "srct": "Anglais", "trg": "fr", "trgt": "Français" }, "dt": "2019-01-21T08:30:00.4639974Z", "general": [ { "level": 0, "title": "Total", "show": true, "s": 884, "w": 11967, "c": 65214, "s-p": 100.0, "w-p": 100.0, "c-p": 100.0, "key": "total", "dsid": null }, { "level": 1, "title": "Translations", "show": true, "s": 8, "w": 8, "c": 38, "s-p": 0.905, "w-p": 0.067, "c-p": 0.058, "key": "trans", "dsid": null }, { "level": 2, "title": "110% pre-translation", "show": true, "s": 0, "w": 0, "c": 0, "s-p": 0.0, "w-p": 0.0, "c-p": 0.0, "key": "trans-110", "dsid": null }, { "level": 2, "title": "100% pre-translation", "show": true, "s": 0, "w": 0, "c": 0, "s-p": 0.0, "w-p": 0.0, "c-p": 0.0, "key": "trans-100", "dsid": null }, { "level": 2, "title": "Fuzzy pre-translation", "show": true, "s": 0, "w": 0, "c": 0, "s-p": 0.0, "w-p": 0.0, "c-p": 0.0, "key": "trans-fuzzy", "dsid": null }, { "level": 2, "title": "Machine translations", "show": true, "s": 8, "w": 8, "c": 38, "s-p": 100.0, "w-p": 100.0, "c-p": 100.0, "key": "trans-mt", "dsid": null }, { "level": 3, "title": "Leveraged from project", "show": false, "s": 3, "w": 3, "c": 15, "s-p": 37.500, "w-p": 37.500, "c-p": 39.474, "key": "origin-project", "dsid": null }, { "level": 3, "title": "Other origin", "show": false, "s": 5, "w": 5, "c": 23, "s-p": 0.0, "w-p": 0.0, "c-p": 0.0, "key": "trans-mt", "dsid": null }, { "level": 1, "title": "Matches and repetitions", "show": true, "s": 777, "w": 11860, "c": 65077, "s-p": 87.896, "w-p": 99.106, "c-p": 99.790, "key": "match", "dsid": null }, { "level": 2, "title": "110% memory match", "show": true, "s": 490, "w": 3976, "c": 21865, "s-p": 63.063, "w-p": 33.524, "c-p": 33.599, "key": "match-110", "dsid": null }, { "level": 3, "title": "Leveraged from document", "show": false, "s": 149, "w": 1348, "c": 7461, "s-p": 30.408, "w-p": 33.903, "c-p": 34.123, "key": "origin-doc", "dsid": null }, { "level": 3, "title": "Leveraged from project", "show": false, "s": 341, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 69.592, "w-p": 66.097, "c-p": 65.877, "key": "origin-project", "dsid": null }, { "level": 2, "title": "100% match or repetition", "show": true, "s": 0, "w": 0, "c": 0, "s-p": 0.0, "w-p": 0.0, "c-p": 0.0, "key": "match-100", "dsid": null }, { "level": 2, "title": "Fuzzy match or repetition", "show": true, "s": 287, "w": 7884, "c": 43212, "s-p": 36.937, "w-p": 66.476, "c-p": 66.401, "key": "match-fuzzy", "dsid": null }, { "level": 3, "title": "99%", "show": true, "s": 99, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 34.495, "w-p": 33.333, "c-p": 33.333, "key": "sim-99", "dsid": null }, { "level": 4, "title": "Leveraged from project", "show": false, "s": 99, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 100.0, "w-p": 100.0, "c-p": 100.0, "key": "origin-project", "dsid": null }, { "level": 3, "title": "95%", "show": true, "s": 95, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 33.101, "w-p": 33.333, "c-p": 33.333, "key": "sim-95", "dsid": null }, { "level": 4, "title": "Leveraged from project", "show": false, "s": 95, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 100.0, "w-p": 100.0, "c-p": 100.0, "key": "origin-project", "dsid": null }, { "level": 3, "title": "93%", "show": true, "s": 93, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 32.404, "w-p": 33.333, "c-p": 33.333, "key": "sim-93", "dsid": null }, { "level": 4, "title": "Leveraged from resources", "show": false, "s": 93, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 100.0, "w-p": 100.0, "c-p": 100.0, "key": "origin-resources", "dsid": null }, { "level": 5, "title": "Master memory AX2", "show": false, "s": 93, "w": 2628, "c": 14404, "s-p": 100.0, "w-p": 100.0, "c-p": 100.0, "key": "origin-resource-1111", "dsid": 1111 }, { "level": 1, "title": "No match", "show": true, "s": 0, "w": 0, "c": 0, "s-p": 0.0, "w-p": 0.0, "c-p": 0.0, "key": "nomatch", "dsid": null }, { "level": 1, "title": "Excluded", "show": true, "s": 99, "w": 99, "c": 99, "s-p": 11.199, "w-p": 0.827, "c-p": 0.152, "key": "exclude", "dsid": null } ], "resources": [ .... ] }
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