Previews a previously created new deliverable, see resources/files/new
This is an asynchronous operation.
(POST) /resources/files/new/preview
The parameters are a JSON object included in the request body:
token | The token obtained from the call resources/files/new | Mandatory, string |
baseurl | Optional. When creating the file, you receive details on whether the base url can be customized or not. If so, specify here. | Optional, string? |
encoding | Optional encoding of the file. If not specified or null, the system uses the original file's encoding or the last one used for the current file. | Optional, string? |
A TRM formatted JSON.
When finished the JSON contains a secure token that you can use to view the file: previewtoken
Then open a browser page and direct to /api/media/get/{previewtoken} to show the results which is an HTML page.
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