

Returns the translation finder details for a scope. The scope defines which resources are accessible and can be searched.


(POST) /resources/segments/finder/properties


The message body contains a JSON object:


The scope object. It delimits the total range of segments and related resources that can be operated on.



The message body contains a JSON object:


An array of resource. The searchable translation memories, project memories and term bases linked to the scope.

If your scope is for a project or job, then this is the list of resources attached to the project by the project manager.

If the scope is a memory, then this will contain the memory only.

tokenA newly created finder token. You can use this for subsequent searches if you did not yet obtain a token earlier in a session.


Each resource has these properties:

 Properties of a resource


The document set id.

ctypeContent type of resource: 0 = Documents, 1 = Translation memory, 2 = Terminology database
nameName of resource.
workedonBoolean. True if the scope is part of the resource. For example if you are editing a document of a project, the list of resources will contain the corresponding project memory with workedon equals true.
ratingA user given rating for the resource. Value between 0 (no rating), 1 (lowest)... 5 (highest)
scopeDocumentSetA scope to access the resource in a view. Null if you have no access right to viewing the complete resource.

If the ctype is Documents then it is a document of a project. This is the scope to view the segments in the scope of a project.

A scope  to access the project in a view. Null if you have no access right to viewing the complete resource.

segmentsTotal number of segments.
canEditNull/True/False. Tells if you have the right to edit segments of the resource. Null if you need to first create a scope to see if you have this right or not.
canAddNull/True/False. Tells if you have the right to add new segments to the resource. Null if you need to first create a scope to see if you have this right or not.
canDeleteNull/True/False. Tells if you have the right to remove segments from the resource. Null if you need to first create a scope to see if you have this right or not.
localesSourceThe source locales of the resource that you can search. Depending on your access rights you may not have access to all locales.
localesThe list of all locales of the resource to which you have access.

Array of all labels of the resource (and which you are allowed to view). The array may be empty. Each array element is an object with label id and label value. Example:

"lbls": [
          "id": 38,
          "v": 1
          "id": 63,
          "v": 1

Array of all custom fields of the resource (and which you are allowed to view). The array may be empty. Each array element is an object with custom field id and value. Example:

"cfs": [
          "id": 1,
          "v": "Mechanics"
          "id": 3,
          "v": "http://www.wordbee.com"

params Advanced search parameters that can be configured individually per resource:
 params.strictBoolean. True if resource is configured for strict language mode. I.e. if you search in "en-UK" and the resource uses "en-US" then it will consider the language variants as distinct languages.
params.pretransBoolean. True if you can use this resource for automated pre-translation purposes. If false, then the PM probably considers the contents not reliable enough.
params.skipprobBoolean. True if segments with red status shall never be searched.
params.skipsameBoolean. True if segments where the source text equals the target text shall never be searched.
params.penNumber. Absolute downgrade of match percentage. 0, 1, ... 100  (0 = no downgrade)
params.penumNumber. Absolute downgrade of unreliable exact matches. 0, 1, ... 100  (0 = no downgrade)
params.penformatString. Penalty mode applied to format differences: None, Lowest, Low, Average, High, Highest
params.penfuzzyString. Penalty mode applied to fuzzy matches: None, Lowest, Low, Average, High, Highest
params.penplaceString. Penalty mode applied to placeables: Default, None, Maximum
params.whiteString. Whitespace handling mode: Default, IgnoreType, IgnoreTypeAndLength, SpecialCYK1



See this example:

  "resources": [
      "dsid": 4507,
      "ctype": 1,
      "name": "test notif",
      "rating": 3,
      "scopeDocumentSet": {
        "type": "DocumentSet",
        "dsid": 4507
      "scopeProject": {
        "type": "Project",
        "projectid": 2863
      "workedon": true,
      "segments": 33,
      "canEdit": null,
      "canAdd": null,
      "canDelete": null,
      "localesSource": [
      "locales": [
      "lbls": [],
      "cfs": [],
      "params": {
        "strict": false,
        "pretrans": true,
        "skipprob": false,
        "skipsame": true,
        "pen": 0,
        "penum": 99,
        "penformat": "None",
        "penfuzzy": "Lowest",
        "penplace": "Default",
        "white": "Default"
      "dsid": 4210,
      "ctype": 1,
      "name": "Test minimum charge codyt",
      "rating": 3,
      "scopeDocumentSet": {
        "type": "DocumentSet",
        "dsid": 4210
      "scopeProject": {
        "type": "Project",
        "projectid": 2590
      "workedon": true,
      "segments": 65,
      "canEdit": null,
      "canAdd": null,
      "canDelete": null,
      "localesSource": [
      "locales": [
      "lbls": [
          "id": 38,
          "v": 1
          "id": 63,
          "v": 1
          "id": 98,
          "v": 0
      "cfs": [
          "id": 1,
          "v": "asdasd"
          "id": 3,
          "v": "sdfsdfsdf"
          "id": 5,
          "v": "Option 3"
          "id": 6,
          "v": "Do not translate data in brackets [] or carats <>, unless highlighted in yellow or explicitly specified."
      "params": {
        "strict": false,
        "pretrans": true,
        "skipprob": true,
        "skipsame": false,
        "pen": 0,
        "penum": 99,
        "penformat": "None",
        "penfuzzy": "Lowest",
        "penplace": "Default",
        "white": "Default"
      "dsid": 840,
      "ctype": 2,
      "name": "Glossy_Expressions",
      "rating": 3,
      "scopeDocumentSet": {
        "type": "DocumentSet",
        "dsid": 840
      "scopeProject": null,
      "workedon": true,
      "segments": 1062,
      "canEdit": true,
      "canAdd": true,
      "canDelete": true,
      "localesSource": [
      "locales": [
      "lbls": [],
      "cfs": [],
      "params": {
        "strict": false,
        "pretrans": true,
        "skipprob": true,
        "skipsame": false,
        "pen": 0,
        "penum": 99,
        "penformat": "None",
        "penfuzzy": "Lowest",
        "penplace": "Default",
        "white": "Default"

  "token": "616b6435-f579-4dd6-8fca-8bdedb72551d"







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