projects/{pid}/wordcounts/{did}/{trg} (PUT)

projects/{pid}/wordcounts/{did}/{trg} (PUT)

Update word counts of a document for a specific target language.

Please note that this method requires that word count details already exist for the document and the target language.


(PUT) /api/projects/{pid}/wordcounts/{did}/{tloc}


The URL parameters are:


The project id

int, Required

didIf set, returns word counts for this specific document only. Identifies document by its document id.int, Required
trgThe target locale for which to update a word count. The locale must be a valid locale in the project.string, Required

The body is a JSON object with these properties. All properties are optional. This gives you the freedom to make granular changes.

Global counts
wordsTotal words.int?, Optional
charsTotal charactersint?, Optional
pagesTotal pagesdecimal?, Optional
minutesTotal minutes to work or workedint?, Optional
wordsExcludedTotal words not included in this word count. For information purposes.int?, Optional
charsTranslatedTotal characters of translated contentint?, Optional
wordsTranslatedTotal words of translated contentint?, Optional

Pretranslated words
wdPretransIdenticalTotal pretranslated words, whether pretranslations are 100%, 110% or MT.int?, Optional
wdPretransIdenticalCtxAmong wdPretransIdentical, the 110% pretranslated words. Also called perfect or in-context match.int?, Optional
wdPretransIdenticalPrevCtxAmong wdPretransIdentical, the 110% pretranslated words, leveraged from the previous document version.int?, Optional
wdPretransIdenticalPrevAmong wdPretransIdentical, the 100% pretranslated words, leveraged from the previous document version.int?, Optional
wdPretransIdenticalMTAmong wdPretransIdentical, the machine translated wordsint?, Optional
wdPretransFuzzy<100% pretranslated words

Fuzzy matches (not used for pre-translation) and repetitions
wdMatch1Total words falling into interval #1. The intervals (minimum % to maximum %) are configured in the project word count profile.int?, Optional
wdMatch2Total words falling into interval #2.int?, Optional
wdMatch3Total words falling into interval #3.int?, Optional
wdMatch4Total words falling into interval #4.int?, Optional
wdMatch5Total words falling into interval #5.int?, Optional

Advanced. These properties are for information only. You are not required to populate these in word counts.

tagsTotal amount of markupint?, Optional
spacesTotal count of whitespace charactersint?, Optional
punctuationTotal punctuation charactersint?, Optional
nonAsianWordsTotal non-Asian wordsint?, Optional
asianCharactersTotal Asian characters (Japanese, Chinese, Korean signs)int?, Optional


The different count fields need to sum up correctly and the method automatically corrects any inconsistencies:

  • total will be increased if it is smaller than the sum of  wdPretransIdenticalwdPretransFuzzywdMatch1 ... + wdMatch5
  • wdPretransIdentical will be increased if smaller than sum of: wdPretransIdenticalCtxwdPretransIdenticalPrevCtxwdPretransIdenticalPrevwdPretransIdenticalMT
  • wdMatchnn will be cleared if the specific interval is not configured in the project's word count profile.

There may be other inconsistencies that will be auto-corrected.


Returns a JSON object with the word count details for the document and language.

    "wcid": 14,
    "did": 14,
    "locs": "en",
    "loct": "fr",
    "dt": "2016-07-04T16:05:20.86",
    "words": 255,
    "chars": 1500,
    "pages": null,
    "minutes": null,
    "wordsExcluded": 0,
    "charsTranslated": null,
    "wordsTranslated": null,
    "wdPretransIdentical": 0,
    "wdPretransIdenticalCtx": 0,
    "wdPretransIdenticalPrevCtx": 0,
    "wdPretransIdenticalPrev": 0,
    "wdPretransIdenticalMT": 0,
    "wdPretransFuzzy": 0,
    "wd110": 0,
    "wd100": 0,
    "wdMatch1": 0,
    "wdMatch2": 0,
    "wdMatch3": 0,
    "wdMatch4": 0,
    "wdMatch5": 0,
    "tags": 0,
    "spaces": 155,
    "punctuation": 59,
    "nonAsianWords": 255,
    "asianCharacters": 0

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