

This page describes the business objects which are change tracked.

NameObject KeyRecord KeyComments


Orderooid (int)


Projectppid (int)A project points to a "Resource" (which is the container of documents and their segments).


Job Standardjsjsid (string)Key format is "s{number}". Example: "s9938"
Job Standard / Documentjsd

jid (string)

did (int)

Standard jobs can have more than one document. This object is a relational type and links the job to a "Document" (d).
Job Codytjcjsid (string)Key format is "c{number}". Example: "c1234"
Job Codyt RevisionSetrsrsid (string)Represents a workflow branch for a specific language (branch/target language)

Resources and docs

Resourcedsdsid (int)A resource can be a project memory, translation memory or termbase. It is pointed to by "Document" objects and, in case of project memories, by a "Project".
Documentddid (int)Represents a document in a project or an import batch in a translation memory or termbase.

Companies and persons

Master Companymcmid (int)Represents the platform and its configuration.
Companyccid (int)Represents a company - basic details only.
Company Addresscacaid (int)Extended properties of a company such as address information. This object points to the company object (see the CompanyId field which maps to the cid key).
Person/Userpspid (int)Represents a person (aka user) in the system. A person is attached to a company.

Supplier groups

Supplier groupssgroupgroupid (int)Represents a static or dynamic supplier group. This object does not include the list of suppliers added to static groups. See next line for that information.
Supplier groups / External supplierssgroupext

groupid (int)

svcid (int)

Changes to external supplier company services added/removed to/from static supplier groups.

The "svcid" refers to a record in the supplier's price list services.

Supplier groups / Inhouse supplierssgroupint

groupid (int)

psvcid (int)

Changes to internal supplier persons added/removed to/from static supplier groups.

The "psvid" is the identifier of the inhouse worker's service item. This is NOT of the same type as a price list service.

Prices and services

Price listplplid (int)A client or supplier price list.
Price list servicesvcsvcid (int)A service description. Each service belongs to a price list. Inhouse person services are not encoded in this object.

User profiles

User profilesuprofuprofid (int)Custom user profiles as they can be configured in "Settings" > "Access rights". Custom profiles have an ID, name, comments and the ID of the system profile from which it inherits.
User profile functionalityuproffuprofid (int)The individual access rights (functionalities) that are enabled or disabled in the user profile (only changes with respect to the inherited system profile are listed).


Labelslabellabelid (int)Custom labels added to projects, jobs, resources, price lists, etc.
Custom fieldscf

cfdom (int)

cfid (int)

Property cfdom is the object to which the custom field is attached: Project, Job, Person, etc. See settings/customfields for a list. Property cfid is the field's ID within the type of object.

Workflow templatewkftmplid (int)Workflow template. These are listed and configured in "Settings" > "Workflow templates".
Email notification templateemailtmpl-Email notification templates. The log shows when a specific template was changed (it does not show the exact changes though).
QA profilesqaprofid (int)

QA profile. These are listed and configured in "Settings" > "QA profiles". The log shows when QA profile rules are changed (it does not show the exact changes to rules and their settings).

MT profilesmtprofid (int)Machine translation profiles. These are listed and configured in "Settings" > "Machine translation". The log shows when a specific profile was changed (it does not show the exact changes though).
Word count profileswcprofid (int)Word count profiles. These are listed and configured in "Settings" > "Word count profiles".


Failed login attemptsbadloginuid (int)

Logs failed login attempts with user ID and name, IP address and reason. Reason any of: BAD-IP (IP not permitted), BAD-PWD (invalid password), INACTIVE (user account inactive), LOCKED (too many failed logins), EXPIRED (password expired)

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