resources/segments/reports (POST)
Use this method to create an Excel report from segments.
(POST) /api/resources/segments/reports
The message body contains a JSON object.
reportid | The report to create. To get all available reports, see resources/segments/reports/items Examples:
Reports starting with an underscore (_) are pre-configured by Wordbee and cannot be customized. All other reports are fully customizable in the Business Report pages. | Mandatory, string |
sloc | The source locale. A report is always for a source - target language couple. | Mandatory, string |
tloc | The target locale. | Mandatory, string |
scope | The scope of segments such as Project, Job, DocumentSet, etc. See Scope (Object). Example: "scope": { "type": "Project", "projectid": 3343 } | Mandatory, object |
query | An optional query object. To filter the segments of the scope. Example for drilling down on a single document: { "reportid": "C1112", "sloc": "en", "tloc": "de", "scope": { "type": "Project", "projectid": 3343 }, "query": { "documents": [{ "did": 9800 }] }} } Important:
| Optional, object |
Await creation of text edits report
This API method executes asynchronously.
- It immediately returns a reference for the operation in trm.requestid, and an operation status in trm.status.
- As long as the status is not Finished or Failed, you need to poll the system with the trm.requestid value. See Asynchronous operation for how to do this.
- Ultimately upon completion the operation status includes the custom.filetoken value which lets you download the report:
{ "trm": { "requestid": 559, "status": "Finished", ... }, "custom": { "filetoken": "026171df25c641d0b04316a28cf3cca1", "filename": "report-16/12/2019-18:06.xlsx" } }
Download text edits report
When the operation has terminated, download the JSON report with the filetoken and this API method:
(GET) /api/media/get/{filetoken}
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