To obtain a report on text edits in all or selected languages as well as word counts adjusted by the amount of editing.
See the information that a report contains here: Text edits report
(POST) /resources/segments/textedits
The message body contains a JSON object:
scope | The scope of segments. See Scope (Object). NOTE: This method supports these scopes only: Project, Job or DocumentSet. Example: "scope": { "type": "Project", "projectid": 3343 } | object, Mandatory |
query | An optional query object. To filter the segments of the scope. Example for drilling down on a single document: { "documents": [{ "did": 9800 }] }} | object?, Optional |
groupby | Optional, default is Global. Internally the system calculates text edits segment by segment. Instead of returning information on every single edit (which may be a lot), the individual data is grouped, i.e. aggregated. For example, with ByUser, one gets the total edits by user over the specified scope and query.
| string?, Optional |
aggregationMode | Optional. default is SingleActionPerUser.
| string?, Optional |
dateFrom | Optional. Count edits at or after this date only. If set, then we only considers edits done at or after this date. This property is useful to calculate edits for periods of time, such as for a full month. This can be used for customized costing of work by user. | datetime?, Optional |
dateTo | Optional. Count edits before this date only. If set, then we only considers edits done before this date. | datetime?, Optional |
srcDefault | Optional. Usage depends on the scope:
With other resources, you may want to override a default selection:
| string?, Optional |
trgs | Optional list of target locales for which to calculate edits. If not specified then edits are calculated for ALL locales of the scope. | string[]?, Optional |
Await creation of text edits report
This API method executes asynchronously.
- It immediately returns a reference for the operation in trm.requestid, and an operation status in trm.status.
- As long as the status is not Finished or Failed, you need to poll the system with the trm.requestid value. See Asynchronous operation for how to do this.
- Ultimately upon completion the operation status includes the custom.filetoken value which lets you download the JSON result:
{ "trm": { "requestid": 559, "status": "Finished", ... }, "custom": { "filetoken": "026171df25c641d0b04316a28cf3cca1" } }
When the operation has terminated, download the JSON report with the filetoken and this API method:
(GET) /api/media/get/{filetoken}
Report content
The report is a JSON document, see: Text edits report
Submit request
We submit this request:
POST /api/resources/segments/textedits BODY: { "scope": { "type": "Project", "projectid": 3502 }, "groupby" : "ByUserAndLocale" }
Await completion of operation
We get the operation status and poll it until it is finished:
{ "trm": { "requestid": 22230, "status": "Finished", }, "custom": { "filetoken": "158a4bee38a943d6a2aff09859e165be" } }
Until the status is not Finished or Failed, you need to poll with a second or more in between calls until operation is finished:
GET /api/trm/status?requestid=22230
Get report
We download the file token:
GET /api/media/get/158a4bee38a943d6a2aff09859e165be
And obtain the report:
{ "counts": [ { "texts": 2, "edits": 9, "editDistance": 0.34, "editDistanceSum": 91, "editDistanceSumLengths": 266, "editDistanceSumNormalized": 3.25, "words": 12.03, "chars": 67.10, "wordsTarget": 12.03, "charsTarget": 67.10, "dateMin": "2020-03-26T10:22:12.8457033Z", "dateMax": "2020-04-04T14:30:50.2094891Z", "did": 10358, "src": "en", "trg": "en", "uid": 505 }, { "texts": 2, "edits": 2, "editDistance": 1.0, "editDistanceSum": 6, "editDistanceSumLengths": 6, "editDistanceSumNormalized": 2.0, "words": 10.0, "chars": 51.0, "wordsTarget": 2.0, "charsTarget": 6.0, "dateMin": "2020-04-16T09:00:28.6727929Z", "dateMax": "2020-04-16T09:00:28.6727929Z", "did": 10358, "src": "en", "trg": "es", "uid": 505 } ], "locales": { "en": "English", "es": "Spanish" }, "users": { "505": { "uid": 505, "uname": "Stephan", "cid": 537, "cname": "team" } }, "documents": { "10358": { "did": 10358, "dname": "WM-4458.wbflex", "src": "en", "dsid": 4163, "dsname": "WM-4458" } }, "parameters": { "groupby": "ByDocumentAndLocaleAndUser", "dateFrom": null, "dateTo": null, "aggregationMode": "SingleActionPerUser", "src": null, "trgs": null } }
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