projects/{did}/documents/offline/export/init (GET)
This method can optionally be called prior to exporting files for offline work. It contains potentially useful information:
Is the API user authorized to export files to XLIFF, WORD or EXCEL?
The maximum number of files that can be exported in one step
(GET) /api/projects/{pid}/documents/offline/export/init
The URL parameters are:
pid | The project ID | int, Mandatory |
The result is a JSON object. The main properties are:
canXliff | Indicates if exporting XLIFF files is authorized. | bool |
canOffice | Indicates if exporting Microsoft Word or Excel files is authorized. | bool |
maxDocuments | The maximum number of files you can import in one step. The default is 50. | integer |
options | A set of properties with default values. This can be useful in a user interface to show default export options to a user. For example, the options may suggest:
| object |
A typical result is:
"canXliff": true,
"canOffice": true,
"maxDocuments": 50,
"options": {
"pid": 7833,
"documents": null,
"includeComments": true,
"includeMemoryHits": false,
"createTmxFile": false,
"includeCustomFields": false,
"createExcelReport": true,
"format": "Xliff"
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