Which access rights are required by API users?
API access to Flex can be given to internal managers, internal and external workers and external clients. Please check out the relevant pages to see how you enable the API 2 for users.
Depending on the user profile and rights, these are the most important limitations that apply:
Can access any Flex document.
The project containing the document/job must be In progress, Preparing or Waiting.
Can read/write content.
When enumerating accessible Flex documents, these are referenced by a numeric document ID such as “1002”.
Can only access Flex documents contained in projects of which the user is a client.
The project containing the document/job must be In progress.
Can read/write content.
When enumerating accessible Flex documents, these are referenced by a numeric document ID such as “1002”.
Can only access Flex documents contained in jobs.
The job containing the document must be In progress and be assigned to the supplier.
The project containing the document/job must be In progress.
Can read/write content.
When enumerating accessible Flex documents, these are referenced by the job ID such as “j2003”.
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