How much of an integrated workflow does your tool provide?

Wordbee Translator supports the most common workflows out of the box. These workflows can include post-editing or source preparation steps.

We also propose completely automatic or "zero management" workflows for simpler Translation-Revision or Translation-Revision-Proofreading scenarios with optional team assignments (you assign work not to a specific supplier but to a workgroup, the first supplier in the group accepting the job gets it). Wordbee Translator also supports advanced workflows with different translation versions such as Back-translation, Back-translation with two parallel translations, Reconciliation, etc.

In Wordbee Translator, the keyword is customization. The system comes with pre-set workflows covering different use cases and example of automation levels, but you can also create and customize your own workflows and saves them as templates. You can pre-configure the workflow parameters, for example:

If this is not sufficient, you can implement and drive any workflow via the API.

Learn more

Workflow Templates

Workflow template Automation Options

Workflow template Work steps