This method translates files using MT Hive
(POST) /api/apps/mthive/translate/files
Parameters are included as a JSON object in the request body:
files | Mandatory. The files selected to be downloaded | object[], Mandatory |
src | The source language code. Make sure to only use source languages according to the configuration. | string, Mandatory |
trg | Mandatory. The target language code. Make sure to only use target languages according to the configuration. | string, Mandatory |
profileOptionIdx | The option index for the selected Mt Hive configuration (Zero based index) | int, Mandatory |
The method executes asynchronously. It returns the operation ID which is a number.
The api may return errors if:
- You are not subscribed to MT Hive or MT Hive is not configured
- The languages or option are not in the configuration. Note that this can also happen in the case of a language detection
- The text exceeds the maximum length
Translation result:
{ "src": "fr", "srct": "French", "trg": "en", "translation": "This is a sample translation. It includes machine translated text.", "segs": 2, "words": 10, "chars": 57, "wordsMT": 5, "wordsTM100": 5, "wordsTM110": 0, "wordsTMFuzzy": 0 }