The Beebox plugin is a flexible tool which most of the operation can be configured by the user.
The configuration is available by going to the content editor System->Modules->Beebox->Translation Settings
In the menu called translation settings, we have the following options:
Show Translation Notification - To enable content notifications in content editor e.g
Sending In Progress - By disabling this option, no content will be sent to translation. All items will remain unsend.
Getting Translation - By disabling that option, no content will be synchronized. No new translation will be delivered to Sitecore.
Token - internal field
Number of Files to Send - internal field
Number of Files to Get - internal field
Number of Files to Cancel - internal field
Target Version -
Create language versions for items, which don't contain any translatable content. - This option is useful if the content with not translatable related items like images, lists etc., should increase for those fields language versions. By default non-translatable fields linked with content, do not get increased language version (after new content was translated)
Cancelling Translation - internal field
IsDebugMode - By enabling this option in log directory Data\logs\Beebox.log.txt application will generate debug logs. Those are detailed logs that can be helpful when you will have an issue, with a connector, and you need to deal with Wordbee support.
Enable Appearance Translation - For translating appearance fields, like 'DisplayName', enable appearance translation
Please assign timeout value (in seconds) for the API and DB transactions. - It’s a global Beebox plugin timeout, after that time, all operations will be terminated, and marked as an error.