Make sure that you have installed a Beebox Server instance or you have subscribed to a hosted Beebox. You can obtain trial versions from Wordbee.
Carefully read the Installation before you proceed.
Plugin installation
The installation is straightforward:
- Open your AEM site CRX Package Manager window in browser i.e. http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp.
- Press Upload Package-> browse and select AEM connector zip file.
- Check Force Upload if required.
- Press Ok
5. Finally, Press Install. A confirmation message will be popped up press Install again.
Once the installation is successful, open your AEM site in administrative mode, you would observe two new tabs "Beebox Translation Console" and "Polling Management Console" as shown below
- Beebox Translation Console: Pressing this tab would open the main screen of AEM connector which let's user to complete translation workflow i.e. sending items for quotation, sending items for translation, retrieving and importing translations back after translation.
- Polling Management Console: This screen is basically for the administrator users only to select the Frequency (in seconds) for receiving Quotation and translation import background jobs. To change time interval for any of these jobs, select the job and press Edit and finally change the update interval as shown below and press Ok.