- Launch JobManager: You can launch JobManager Job Manager from the ribbon by selecting Beebox Tabs and JobManagerCommand or by Job Manager Command or alternatively, choose it from Sitecore applications as shown in figure 1 and figure 2.
Preview Cost: Change the “Translation Status” to “Items “Translation Status” of dropdown to “Items to send for translation”translation”. Select the items, you wish to Preview the cost for and click “Preview Cost”“Preview Cost”. You should get an estimated cost for translation as configured in the Beebox Project. You may also choose various Beebox Connections.
Note . Sample cost preview is given below..
toNote In case, you don’t receive a cost; it may not be configured in the Beebox project. Please ensure cost is configured if you wish to use Cost Preview feature. You may connect
to support@wordbee.com, if you need any help to configure the cost.
- Check out/Send Content for translation: Ensure the “Translation Status” is “Items “Translation Status” should be “Items to send for translation”translation”.Select the items, you wish to send for translation and click “Send “Send to Beebox” Beebox” to dispatch the items to Beebox.
Fill the optional Jobs details: You will be prompted to provide and optional job name, delivery date and any comments for your future reference. Click
“OK”“Submit” to send the items.
Receive Translated Content
In the next step of translation workflow, we will receive the translated content from Beebox, approve and preview it.
Check the Translation Status:Beebox-Sitecore Connector runs a background job to keep refreshing the translation status. We can also manually check the translation Status by clicking
“Check“Check Translation
- Download Translations: Once the translation status changes to “File Ready to download”, one can go ahead and download the translations by selecting the items and clicking “Get Translations” command. This changes the “Translation Status” to “Translation Received”.
Note In case, you will not be able to download translations, if you don’t have write/create access on the content or language.
- Preview and Approve Translations:Click the links under “Target Language” to any link under “Target Language” column to preview the newly received content.You may tweak the translation as required. Once satisfied, you approve the newly received translations.
Click on Target Languages Links to preview and tweak recieved translations
Approving translations
This demonstrate the basic translation workflow using Beebox-Sitecore Connector. There are advance options available to meet various business needs. Please consult, Beebox-Sitecore Connector User Guide for a details list of options and features available.Next step-:Release History